Chapter 40

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[A/N: Hello everyone! I'm sorry again for the spotty updates - grad school has been keeping me very busy! I'm thinking about writing a couple more chapters after this to close out the book - it's been so amazing to see the support for this book all this time, I appreciate each and every one of you!]

We had finally settled in to our house in Westhampton, and to say life was becoming chaotic was an understatement. Before we knew it, Ariana was old enough to head off to elementary school. After all we'd been through, Rafael ended up being the emotional one on her first day of school, and I teased him for being soft about his little hija and her first day of school. I was still balancing work between Nassau County and consulting for the SVU in Manhattan, and Rafael was still working for the DA's Office in Manhattan. I had been going non-stop since the incident with the gang and our old apartment, and I was desperately in need of a break.

I had taken the day off on a Friday, enjoying the quaint atmosphere of Westhampton as I went through some cases and evidence I'd gotten the day before. In reality I wasn't taking the day off, but I was working from home. Ariana was at school and Rafael was finishing up in court for the day, so I had a feeling he would be home earlier than usual. As I worked on cases, I felt my phone vibrate, and I was shocked when I glanced at the name that popped up.

"Nate?" I quickly asked in disbelief as I answered the phone. I heard my brother's hearty laugh as he exclaimed, "Jess! It's been too long, I figured I'd check in on you. How are you doing? How's Ariana and Rafi?" My heart warmed at the nickname. Rafael and my brother had grown extremely close over the years. Even though Nate was still in California, they always bonded during family gatherings and holidays. Over the past few years, we'd gone out to California for Christmas with Nate, and he'd come back to New York to spend the holidays with us.

"I'm alright, just stressed with work, as always. I've been getting a bit heavier of a case load, and the SVU has been bringing me in to consult on some things more often, but I'm managing. I took the day today and stayed home - I just needed a day." Before I could continue, Nate asked, "Are you still looking over cases?" I sheepishly replied, "Yeah..." He sighed and said seriously, "I know how burnout can feel, Jess... Take the day off, please. Give yourself a break." I sighed, placing the large packet and folder down on the coffee table. I huffed and gave in, saying, "Fine." Nate asked, "How's the new house? And you never told me how the family is doing!" I laughed and replied, "The house is great, we're finally getting settled... It's so nice to have somewhere to get away from the city. Rafi and Ari are great, she just started kindergarten and Rafi's doing well at the DA's Office. He's such a girl dad, Nate, you wouldn't believe."

An awkward silence came over the phone, and I suddenly realized Nate hadn't called just to 'catch up'. "Nate, why did you call?" I asked, and he sighed. "Really Jess, you don't have to worry about anything. I'm okay." I asked again, "Nate, what's going on?" He sighed again, finally spilling it.

I heard his voice break as he told me the news. "Lauren broke off the engagement," I froze at his words. His fiancé of two years had broken off their engagement? I couldn't help my questions from tumbling out of my mouth as I said, "Oh my god Nate, what? Why did she break it off? Where did she go? How long ago was this?"

He sucked in a harsh breath, and I realized I was overwhelming him. "Sorry... How are you doing, bud?" I asked, my tone now gentle and kind. Nate took a deep breath and said sadly, "I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest. We'd been dating for years, Jess... Almost six years. Then we got in a big fight one night, about how I'm never around because of my job. She didn't understand why I work long hours in the firm and why my job is so demanding. She said she couldn't go through with the wedding because she felt like she wasn't valued. She said to choose between my job and her, and when I hesitated, that's when she left."

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