Author's Note + Update

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Hi everyone!

So I know I haven't written for a long time and I feel like I owe it to you to explain why. So the last chapter that I wrote was while I was still in Australia. Within the time that I wrote the last chapter, I flew home from Australia, saw my orthopedic surgeon and learned that I needed to schedule surgery because of an injury I sustained last season playing college softball, and I had to go through reverse culture shock and move back in at my college back in the States.

I had to start spring semester and get ready to study abroad again next fall in London, and this past semester has been beyond stressful. I played through my surgical injury the whole season and was in the trainer's room 2-3 times a day getting treatment, and I was balancing classes, athletics, work study, and I went through a few tough things through the semester with some things coming to light personally and through my journey throughout the season having to do with my injury. On Monday, I went into surgery and got everything that I needed to get repaired in my hip, but I've been having a tough time getting around lately. I've been sleeping a lot and getting visitors and focusing on rehab and getting better, so in short, that's why I haven't written much in the last 6 months or so. I'm going to try and write more, but I'm more focused on taking care of me and getting back to playing the sport that I love as soon as I can.

I hope you understand and I hope that this helped clear some things up. Thank you so much for your patience!


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