War of the Roses

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So this is my newest FanFiction story.  I’m changing a few things that happened in the last book of the trilogy because I absolutely hated the ending.  Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy!

Quote of the Chapter:
“The relationship of a girl and her favorite novel can be complex indeed.” 
~Shay Doran

Chapter 1: White Rose

Renier Laroche got ready to attack his so called ‘father’.  The turmoil within him was overbearing, overpowering.  First and foremost, he hated Emile Laroche with every ounce of both his human and wolf beings.  This man was the reason his mother had died, the reason his true father had died. 

Second, his Lily was falling in love with someone else.  He couldn’t stand Shay.  The only reason he hadn’t killed him yet was because Calla would never forgive him if he did.  Ren didn’t want to know what his life would be like without her.

The emotions overtook his rationality and using his powerful hind legs, Ren leaped towards his Emile, realizing in mid-air that he had over-jumped and that his father was going to be able to bite his neck.  Ren knew in that instant he was going to die, and he was okay with it.

He braced for the impact, but it never came.  A flash of white fur barreled into Emile Laroche with a force that sent the Bane wolf smashing into the bookshelf.  Ren landed on his feet and whipped around to face his savior.  A pure white wolf stood there growling at Emile.  Ren knew it wasn’t Calla because he had been keeping his eye on her the whole time, never once not knowing where she was.  The second reason was that this wolf smelled differently.  Ren knew it was a she.  She had a soft scent of plum and freesia and some type of melon although he couldn’t decipher what kind.  It all blended together in an intoxicating scent.

Emile limped up, obviously severely hurt from the impact.  Mr. Tor charged him and the two alphas fought ferociously.  Both were growling and snarling and snapping their jaws at each other’s necks.  Emile took some direct hits to his stomach and legs.  His back hind leg was splintered.  Ren was amazed Emile was still going, but unfortunately, the Bane alpha had always been a fighter.  Finally, Mr. Tor got the upper hand.  He smashed the elder Laroche into the bookshelf once more, and not giving him a chance to get up, leapt over to him, and bit Emile in the neck, instantly killing him.  When Mr. Tor lifted his muzzle, he was glowering with pride.

Well done, Father Calla’s voice praised, resonating through everyone.  Ren’s thoughts shifted from his dead adoptive father to the mysterious white wolf.  He turned to face her.  She stood on guard, looking magnificent and very, very deadly.

He unconsciously took a step forward, knowing that everyone in the room was watching him and the newcomer. The wolf snapped her jaws and bared her teeth.  Ren stopped instantly, lowering his head to show his intentions weren’t to fight.  The wolf let out a low growl before backing up.

Don’t follow me her voice warned through his head, and from the way all the wolves in the room tensed, it was obvious she had spoken to them, too.  She kept her unwavering gaze on Ren as she continued to move back towards the door.

“You dare interfere?” Lumine snarled. The white wolf broke off her eye contact with Ren and stared at Lumine.  With a snarl that made Ren raise his hackles, the wolf slowly approached Lumine.  Lumine’s eyes widened only slightly as the mystery wolf came nearer.

Another growl erupted from the strangers throat, but Ren could just see the smile that would be on her face, one he very much wanted to see.

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