Blue Rose

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So, did I shock you with Ansel being there?  And how is Ren going to have a plan as to why he won’t go back?  So many questions, so many places to leave cliffhangers.  Well, I won’t keep you waiting.  A shout out to Destiny and Fruity for reviewing!  Y’all made me smile (and I just had a complete blonde moment.  I forgot how to spell y’all…)

Quote of the Chapter:
“I'll even sing you a lullaby . . . and maybe you could show me what makes you howl.”
~Connor from Wolfsbane

Chapter 6: Blue Rose


He stared in shock at Ansel, who seem to share the sentiment equally, although his appeared to be coming from the fact that he had actually found Ren.

“I knew you wouldn’t leave,” Ansel said with a grin.  Ren rolled his eyes.  Ansel’s eyes rested on Arya, who was looking curiously at him.

“You must be Ansel,” Arya finally said with a sweet smile.  She extended her hand out for him to shake. “I’m Arya.”

“Nice to meet you,” he replied, shaking her hand firmly. “You’re an alpha, aren’t you?”

Arya grinned and Ren saw that she was turning on her charm. “How could you tell?”

“Mainly by the way you act as if Ren is your equal,” Ansel said casually.

“Well, you’re not wrong there.  Welcome to Estes Park, by the way.”

“Thank you… and sorry I attacked you.  I thought Ren was going to be the one coming out first, not you.  You’re one hell of a fighter,” Ansel complimented.  Ren secretly was grateful Arya was talking to Ansel, mainly so he could gather his wits, especially for what he was about to do.

“Thank you,” Arya replied. “You’re not bad yourself.”

Ansel looked between Arya and Ren, realizing how close they were standing next to each other. “So how do you two know each other?”

“She’s my girlfriend,” Ren replied coolly as he threaded his hand through Arya’s.  He felt her tense but she relaxed and thankfully went along.

Ansel raised an eyebrow. “Girlfriend?”

“Yes, Ansel.  She’s my girlfriend.  You know what those are.  Bryn is yours,” Ren answered sarcastically.

Ansel rolled his eyes. “So who asked who?”

“He asked me,” Arya replied. “It was quite romantic.”

“Oh really?” Ansel looked amused.

“Yes, but I’m not one to brag.  If you want to know, you’ll have to ask him.  Ren, would you two like to be alone?” Arya inquired, looking up at him.  Her eyes were sparkling and she looked beautiful in the moonlight, especially with the silver halo surrounding her hair.

“Is that okay with you?  I hate to leave you alone because you have a nasty habit of getting yourself into trouble,” Ren joked with a smirk.

“Oh shut up,” Arya retorted, shoving him a little. “I’ll stay within rescuing range but far enough away where I can’t hear you.  I’ll see you later.”

“All right, beautiful,” Ren replied.  Then, knowing it was a risky move on his part, he gave her a kiss.  She froze but let him.

“Well then…” Arya laughed.

“Has he never kissed you before?” Ansel inquired suspiciously; he had obviously seen her tense up.

“I’m not one to kiss and tell.  It was nice meeting you Ansel,” Arya said before she shifted forms and trotted off into a field.  Ansel and Ren watched her figure retreat and they made sure she was out of hearing range before they said anything.

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