Veilchenblau Rose

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Sorry about the slow updates!  My computer is acting up and I have summer assignments I really need to finish and I’m so procrastinating on them!

Quote of the Chapter:
“Tell me you’ll come back for the pack. For me.  I don’t want to lose you.”
~Renier Laroche in Nightshade

Chapter 7: Veilchenblau Rose


Shiloh stared at Ren’s limp body on the bed in front of him.  It was a miracle he was alive at all.  If it hadn’t been for the whole pack giving him some of their blood, god only knows what shape Ren would be in now.  All of pack members had left the room looking wan.  At that moment, Derek came in looking forlorn.  Shiloh turned around and instantly demanded, “How’s Arya?”

“She ain’t coming out of her room.  She refuses to talk to anyone,” Derek informed.  Shiloh groaned.

“I’ll see if I can talk to her.  You watch him,” he ordered.  Derek took the seat Shiloh had previously occupied as Shiloh walked to Arya’s room.  He knocked and tried to open her door; it was locked.

“Go away!” shouted Arya, her voice muffled.

“I’m not leaving.  I have news about Ren,” he replied.

“Tell me through the door,” She ordered.

“No, the only way I’ll tell you is if you open the door,” he said firmly.  Her room was silent for a few moments before he heard the slight padding of her feet.  Arya opened the door a crack and peered out.  Discreetly, Shiloh wedged is foot in the door so that she wouldn’t be able to close it on him.

“He’s stable and he should be awake soon.  He’s going to live, Arya,” he told her reassuringly.

“Good…” she whispered before attempting to shut the door.  His foot blocked it and no matter how hard she tried, Arya couldn’t get his foot out of the way.  Finally, she gave up and stormed over to her bed, plopping down on it.  Shiloh followed her in.

“What happened?” he asked gently, sitting on the bed next to her.

Arya drew her knees up to her chest and rested her forehead on them. “He found me at the place where we first met.  He asked if we could take a walk and I said yes.  Just by his tone I knew that he was going to tell me he was leaving.  We walked into the field and just as he was about to tell me, two poachers came and loaded their guns straight at me.  Ren and I bolted into the forest and they followed.  Ren hid in some trees while I hid behind a boulder.  The two guys came in and I leapt on the nearest one.  He was the bigger of the two.  Ren jumped on the other guy.  The one I was attacking hit me in the chin and knocked me off of him.  Ren had pretty much rendered the other guy immobile and he leapt in front of me right before the guy fired.  It hit him in the stomach and I guess the pain made him lose his ability to control his morphing because he changed into a human.  The two poachers ran off and I started giving Ren blood as I called for you.  Then you came and you know the rest.”

“He took a bullet for you?” Shiloh questioned.


“Ren isn’t going to leave,” Shiloh declared.  Arya looked up at him with dubious eyes.

“How do you know?”

“Because when he talks to you, he’s going to see how distraught you are that he almost died and he’s going to see how much you love him,” he explained.

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