Fire Rose

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How is everyone?  Thank you to TsukeLavire for reviewing!  Now, on with the story!

Quote of the Chapter:
"You do realize you just mixed Disney metaphors, right?  Disney metaphors.  Wow, Calla, now I'm just sad for you."
~Shay Doran from Nightshade

Chapter 5: Fire Rose


Dinner was much more enjoyable now that she knew Ren was staying at the compound.  Arya wasn’t sure why she loved having him around so much.  Maybe it was because he seemed to fit in with the pack as if it had always been his.  Maybe it was the fact that she could relate so easily to him since he was an alpha.  Or maybe, it was because he was the most gorgeous guy Arya had laid eyes on.

“You do not want to hear this joke.  It is way too corny,” Frank assured.

“Come on,” Ren prodded with a grin.

With a defeated sigh, Frank said, “What is the most vulgar character in Hollywood’s history?”

“Who?” Melinda inquired.

“R2-D2.  They bleeped out every word he ever said,” Frank said, putting his elbow on the table and covering his eyes as everyone started laughing.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding,” Ren acknowledged. “That really is bad.  On the bright side, even though it was corny, I found it funny as hell.”

“Thanks,” Frank mumbled.

“Who’s ready for dessert?” Mia shouted over the clamor of everyone talking.  There was a loud agreement from everyone at the table and she disappeared into her house.  A few seconds later, she came out carrying five apple pies.  Arya’s stomach, although she had thought she was full, magically emptied at the sight of the pie and at the enticing aroma of it.

“Mia, you outdid yourself,” Arya said, eyeing the pies with anticipation.

“Thanks Arya,” Mia replied, “but they were really easy to make.”

“For you,” Amy said with harrumph. “If I tried to make them, I’d burn down the whole town.”

Everyone got a piece of pie; all the guys had seconds while the girls refused to eat anymore.  Ren tried to force Arya to eat a piece of his because he had unfortunately seen her eyeing it longingly.  It had ended up with both of them falling out of their seats, laughing hysterically.  Everyone but Shiloh joined in.

“You shouldn’t have fought,” Ren said with a grin, sitting up and offering his hand for Arya.

“You shouldn’t have tried to force me to eat it,” Arya countered, taking his hand.  Then facing Mia and Walter, she said, “I’ll do the dishes tonight.”

“Are you sure?” Walter inquired, looking at her.  Arya nodded and went to the kitchen.  Ren followed her.

“Can I talk to you about something?” Ren questioned, coming to stand next to her.  She grabbed a dish and started to rinse it off.  Ren started putting dishes in the dishwasher.  There were eight dishwashers total.  They needed that many since they had so many plates since they had so many mouths to feed.

“Sure,” Arya said nonchalantly.

“About Ansel… I’m worried he knows I’m lying about leaving here,” Ren admitted. “I don’t know what I’ll do if he comes here because he’s smart and can trace phone calls which he so annoyingly and cheerfully pointed out to me.  It wouldn’t be hard for him to find me since he’s a Guardian too… I guess what I’m asking is can you help me if he does come?”

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