Crimson Glory Rose

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Did y’all like the last chapter?  I hope so.  This story will be done in a soon!

Chapter Quote:
“Do you have other minions? Because these two are idiots.”

Chapter 18: Crimson Glory Rose


He was pinned down on the floor by six of Lumine’s new bodyguards, one’s he’d recruited for her.  They’d punched him senseless.  Blood filled his mouth, and his vision became spotty.

“Don’t hurt her.  Please,” Ren begged. “I did want you wanted.  Leave them be.”

“You went against my orders.  You went and saw her during your mission.  Does she know why you’re doing it?”

“No.  In fact we’re not together anymore.  She broke off the engagement,” Ren mumbled, hating the sound of the weakness in his voice.  His mind suddenly flashed back to the night Arya had given back her ring.  The look of utter determination not to break in front of him scared him, but it was her words that petrified him most.  Had he, unconsciously, chosen Arya because she resembled Calla?  He couldn’t believe he’d do something like that, but it was certainly a possibility.

“Do you want to know why you and Arya are so irresistibly attracted to each other?” Lumine queried.  Her back faced him, so he couldn’t see what was in front of her or what she was doing.  It worried him.  He didn’t know what she was going to do to him. “I assume you know what happened to your mother, how she became a traitor to our cause.  You’re the offspring of her and the Searcher Monroe.  See, before that, we had three packs: Bane, Nightshade, and Lightwood.  Arya was the youngest of all of you, but she was already an alpha.  We could just tell.  We let you decide, Ren, which girl you wanted.  Even as babies, you two were irresistibly attracted to each other.  You both practically ostracized Calla.  We decided you and Arya would combine packs.  Then your mother did what she did; we decided then to make sure you and Calla got together.  Your affection for her was out of the idea you had always been meant to marry her.  You and Arya have a real connection.  Sad, since it’s about to be broken.  Oh, and we made sure your mother knew you would not end up with the girl you chose to make sure she was in pain when she died, not only physically but mentally as well.”

“You bitch!” Ren roared, straining against the six men holding him.  One socked him in the side of the head.  Lumine slashed something against the side of Ren’s cheek, but he felt nothing.

“See this blade?  It’s so sharp that you won’t feel a thing if it cuts you.” She brought the blade up to his face again, but he couldn’t anything.  It frightened him. “The more I cut you, the more you’ll bleed.  I cut you enough, you’ll bleed out.  That is my full intention.  However, in the unlikely event your fiancée comes for you-”

“Ex-fiancée.  I told you, she broke off the engagement,” Ren snapped.

“Feisty even when he’s helpless.  A true alpha.  As I was saying, in the unlikely event Arya comes to get you, I have another plan.  One that will cause pain for her too, which really sounds more fun.” Lumine smiled viciously. “Let’s get started.”


They moved silently, cautiously through the house.  The lack of noise caused Arya to have a ominous feeling that something was very, very wrong.  Shay, Shiloh, Bryn, Carrie, Ray, Dmitri, Rigg, and Derek went upstairs in their search.  Neville, Mason, Ethan, Sabine, Connor, Melinda, and Erin took the first floor.  The rest of the pack stayed outside, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

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