Complicata Rose

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I’m really moving with this story now haha hope you enjoy! 

Chapter Quote:
“Fear is beside the point when you're faced with the thing you fear.”

Chapter 11: Complicata Rose



That was the first thought to pass through his mind when the smell of sandalwood and leather wafted up his nose.  He whirled around.  His old alpha was nowhere to be seen.  So why had he smelled him?  Except for a group of friends walking into the coffee shop, and the patrons already in the shop, Neville remained by himself.  Calla and Shay were back at the Compound.  Mason was with Bryn and Ansel.

Shaking his head, Neville continued into the coffee shop.  It’d been almost a year since Ren disappeared on them.  Knowing his old alpha, he had left in pursuit of the mysterious white wolf that had saved him.  None of the Nightshade pack knew who the wolf was.  It was a girl, which that much had been clear.  Calla had tried to convince him to stay, but in all honestly, if Neville had been in Ren’s position, he probably would’ve left too.  He wouldn’t want to see Mason in love with another guy just like Ren didn’t want to see Calla in love with Shay.  Neville understood; he just wished his old alpha had at least kept in contact.

Ansel knew something.  Neville swore on his life the guy knew something.  The younger Tor had left secretly in the middle of the night, only to come back two days later.  When the pack asked him where he’d gone, he simply said he needed a break from all the stuff going on.  He’d been hit hard by Ren’s absence, even though Calla was Ansel’s alpha.  The pack let it go, knowing Ansel would not say where he’d really been.

“What can I get you sir?” the barista asked.

“Coffee, please,” Neville replied.  He waited patiently for his drink to arrive; the scent of sandalwood and leather made its presence again.  He wasn’t mistaken.  Ren was here.  Neville’s heart started pounding.  He could see his old alpha again!

The scent became masked by sweetness.  He’d smelled it before, just where was the question.  One thing he did know, it was from a wolf and a wolf not from this territory.  He doubted the wolf came alone, too.  After receiving his coffee, Neville pulled out his cell phone, hastily calling Calla.

“Hey Nev, what’s up?” his alpha’s voice queried sweetly.

“There’s a new wolf in town.  I’m guessing it’s a pack.  I’m trying to figure out who it is.  I recognized the scent.  I don’t know where it’s from though,” Neville explained hurriedly.

“Find them.  Be careful.  I’ll send Mason to find you,” Calla ordered.  They hung up.  Neville lounged outside the coffee shop at the only entrance.  That way he could see everyone going in and out.  He’d only been waiting around ten minutes when a girl, trailed by five people, walked out of the shop.  Sandalwood and leather hit Neville with such a force, a growl nearly ripped out of his throat.  He looked over at the group.  The girl in front wore a leather jacket.  Her hair was in a ponytail, her eyes had hidden bags under them, and she wore black wedge boots with dark skinny jeans tucked into them.  The girl had looks that could kill, and hidden behind those looks was her wolf form.  Neville could sense it.  The others with her were Guardians too.  Pack mates.

“Y’all go back to the hotel.  I’m going to walk about town,” the girl said.

“Be careful.  There’s another pack here and they’re going to figure out we’re here sooner or later,” one of the guys said.  He was buff, had black hair, and brown eyes.  He oozed strength and power.

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