Black Rose

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I hope that last chapter was interesting!  I’m trying to find good Ren quotes, preferably one-liners so if you know any let me know!

Quote of the Chapter:
“This is only about love.”
~Renier Laroche

Chapter 7: Black Rose


In the morning, Ren’s body wracked with pain; at least it wasn’t as bad as last night’s.  He groaned at the memory.  He was pretty sure Shiloh would’ve killed him if Arya hadn’t intervened.  At the thought of Arya, Ren opened his eyes.  She was supposed to talk to her second this morning.  Was she talking to him right now?  And if so, what were they talking about?  Probably Shiloh was convincing Arya that his, meaning Ren’s, time was up here and that he needed to leave.  Ren hoped she wouldn’t agree.

“Ren?” Arya’s soft voice floated from the entrance to his room.  His eyes flitted over to the doorway.  She stood there hesitantly, her hands clasped behind her back.

“Hey,” he murmured, and mentally cursing himself for not being able to sound stronger.  He was an alpha; he was supposed to be strong twenty-four-seven.

“May I come in?”

“Of course,” he replied.  Arya padded over to his bed and sat on the edge of it.

“How are you feeling?” she asked quietly, studiously avoiding eye contact.

“Better than last night, but that’s not hard.” Ren sat up, trying to hide the pain it was causing him, but Arya instantly saw his discomfort.

“Let me check your ribs.” Without asking for his permission, she lifted his t-shirt up and lightly trailed her fingers over his torso.  He hoped she couldn’t feel the muscle spasms her touch was causing him. “Well, they’re definitely healing but you’re going to be sore unless you take more blood.”

“No,” Ren protested firmly. “I brought this upon myself.  I’ll let it heal on its own.  The worst damage is fixed.”

Arya looked down at the sheets and started drawing circles on them with her thumb.



“Did you talk to Shiloh?”

Without looking up, she nodded. “He said he was sorry for attacking you; once I told him the whole story, he calmed down…”

“I feel there’s something you’re holding back from me,” Ren observed, taking a hold of her hand.  When she still didn’t look up at him, he lifted her chin and was shocked to see her eyes were bloodshot. “Arya, what happened?”

“He’s threatening to leave the pack,” she whispered.

“Surely there’s a way he would stay,” Ren said.

“There is… and I’m sure you can figure it out,” she replied quietly.

Of course he knew.  He had suspected it all along.  Ren knew it was probably for the best that he had to leave but he was shocked to find how his chest tightened at the prospect of leaving Arya. “I’ll start packing,” he murmured, kissing her on the forehead.

“No!” Arya jerked her head up to look at him; her vehemence surprised him. In a softer tone, she added, “That’s just it; I don’t want to lose you either, Ren.  You’re a part of this pack just as much as he is.  He might have been here longer but it doesn’t matter.  Not even Derek was able to fit in as easily as you did.  You haven’t noticed it but I have; the pack is more… stable.  They look up to you, and to be honest, it’s nice to have another alpha around, someone I can relate to.  I’m not ordering you to stay; you’re an alpha and can make your own choices.  But I am asking that you stay.  Except for Shiloh, everyone here loves you and Leyla even told me before I went to talk to Shiloh that if you left, she would really miss you, and not just because you’re hot.  Just… please consider staying here.”

War of the Roses [Book 1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora