Cherokee Rose

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I’m having so much fun writing this! Enjoy!

Chapter Quote:
“The road ahead is unknown to all. I cannot offer you wisdom or guidance. Only the promise that I will never leave you.”
~Barrow Hess

Chapter 16: Cherokee Rose


Something was wrong, and not just because she broke off her engagement.  Arya felt funny, like she was drunk.  In fact, she was drunk.  But how?  She’d only been drinking diet coke.  Maybe someone had spiked it without her looking, but wouldn’t she have smelled the alcohol?  Then again, she had been emotionally compromised all night.  It wouldn’t surprise her if a pig flew in front of her and she didn’t notice.

The longer she walked, the clearer her head became, and the worse she felt.  She didn’t remember any part of the night except arriving at the club and suddenly seeing Ren.  Anything in between those times was completely blank to her.

Upon arriving at the hotel, she found her entire pack waiting for her.  She stared at them in shock.

“Arya!” Shiloh exclaimed, rushing to her side. “What happened?”

“I-I don’t remember,” she admitted.

“You remember something.  You’re crying,” Carrie pointed out.

“I am?” Arya wiped her hand underneath her eyes.  Sure enough, a mixture of tears, mascara, and eyeliner came off. “Damn…”

“Let’s get you upstairs,” Shiloh urged, grabbing onto her hand and leading her to the elevator.  Once to her room, Arya slipped out of her dress and into sweatpants and a sweatshirt.  Her pack crowded into her room once she was dressed.  She explained all that she remembered as she took off her makeup.

“On the bright side, at least the plan worked,” Dmitri remarked.

“Worked a little too well,” Arya grumbled, crawling into her bed.

“Where is he now?” Erin queried.

“Hell if I know and hell if I care.  We’re done.”

“For now,” MJ finished.  Arya gave a small smile.  She really just wanted to be left alone and Shiloh seemed to pick up on that.  He ordered everyone to go to bed.  He kissed on Arya on her forehead and left, leaving her alone to her thoughts.  Arya wanted to cry.  She wanted to cry so badly.  But crying would do nothing.  Instead, she closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep.


The next day, Arya, Rigg, Dmitri, Shiloh, and Ray went to Calla’s house to drop off her dress.  Shay opened the door.  He gave them a smile.

“Hey, everything okay?” He asked.

“It’s been better, but yeah, everything’s okay.  I just wanted to return the dress back to Calla.  And the shoes.  And the jewelry,” Arya explained, raising the bag in her arm.  Shay called Calla down.  She slid down the banister for the stairs.

“Hey!  Thanks!” she said sincerely.

“No problem.  Thanks for letting me wear it.  Sorry about what happened last night.  I swear I’m not like that.  Um, so, I don’t remember what happened between the time I got to the club and when I saw Ren.  That worries me.  Do you know?”

Shay and Calla spared a glance at each other. “Why don’t you come in and we’ll explain,” Shay offered.  Knowing this wasn’t going to be a good story, Arya and her group took up the invitation.

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