Peach Rose

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Hey y’all!  Hope y’all enjoyed the first chapter!  Anyways, here’s the new one.  Enjoy 

Quote of the Chapter:
“I've never had a tail before. I can't figure out what exactly it's supposed to do. It's so distracting.”
~Shay Doran in Nightshade

Chapter 2: Peach Rose

The white wolf slowly stopped baring her teeth and growling, much to Ren’s relief.  Although he didn’t doubt his ability to win out over her in a fight, he didn’t want the situation to come to that point.

She had changed into her human form by now, although when was a good question.  Ren had been too focused on staring her down to notice any change she made, including transforming from wolf to human.  He also realized that he had transformed into his human form as well, making him vaguely wonder who had changed first: him or her.

“Renier Laroche?” She whispered.  He had her arms pinned down, holding her by the elbows so she was practically immobile.  Her blonde hair fanned out across the dirt, a peach colored rose wedged behind her right ear.  Her bright hazel eyes never looked away from his.

“Who are you?  Where did you come from?  How did you know when to save me?  Why did you save me?” Ren fired the questions rapidly.  The girl merely smirked at him.  Her breath smelled like cinnamon, he observed.

“It would be a lot more inclined to answer you,” she remarked casually, “if the position we are currently in didn’t feel so awkward.”

Ren flushed when he discovered how far down on her he was sitting.  His cheeks flamed for some reason.  Perhaps it was because he barely knew this girl.  If it had been Calla, he would’ve felt nothing wrong about the position they were in, but with this girl…

“Do you promise me you won’t bolt away from me?” Ren inquired seriously.  She promised.  He hastily got off of her and helped her sit up.  She pulled her legs up to her chest and interlocked her hands around them, resting her head on her knees.  Renier simply sat on the back of his legs.

“So which question do you want me to answer first?” She asked softly.

“Who are you?”

“Arya Lightwood.”

“Where did you come from?”

“I was born here in Estes.”

“How did you know to save me?”

Arya hesitated. “I was on orders…”

“Orders from whom?” Ren questioned.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Arya mumbled, looking up at the stars.

“Try me,” Ren said.  He knew alphas didn’t like to be challenged, no matter what type of information they held.

Arya snapped her eyes back to hold gazes with Ren; they showed the small amount of anger she had at being challenged. “You’re challenging me on my own turf?  Not a wise idea.”

“I know it’s not, but I want to know who gave you those orders.  I’ve seen the Lyulfs, I found out I had a sister, I witnessed the girl I loved become engaged to someone else.  Not much else can shock me.”

“Fine… It was Cian.” Ren wished he could recant his statement about how not much else could shock him. “Is that shocking to you?”

“Why would Cian care about me?  She hates our kind.”

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