What I do to help me with my anxiety

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So, you wanna know what you can do to lessen your anxiety. I have put together a list of what I do to help myself with my anxiety and a few tips from other people I have gathered, I've also done research on anxiety and the methods that have helped numerous people. 

Over the years I have certain methods and routines I go through when having anxiety and I'll be happy to take you through it.

* Take my (non-THC) CBD Gummies 

* Get up from my bed or couch if I'm lying down and take a quick lap around the house 

* Grab my phone or computer and put on a lighthearted show 

* Grab and fidget thing, such as coloring or painting my nails

*Talk and hang out with anybody in my home if need be, sometimes being around people helps

*Have my dogs near me, their always nice to talk to 

* Aromatherapy

*Excercise (This one can be moved around on the list) 

Now, onto the dont's of having anxiety. 

Do not look anything up online. I know it might seem like a good idea, but it makes everything so much worse, trust me I had to learn the hard way...

 For me, trying to fall asleep makes matters worse because then my mind goes free and thinks about everything that is giving me my anxiety, However trying to sleep can help others, really the only thing you can do is test out different things and see what works for you, everybody is different. 

One thing about having severe anxiety is that you need a support system, whoever that may be, God, a guardian or parent, friend, brother, sister, anybody that can help you and give an outlet it vent and talk to is going to be so important on this difficult journey you're facing. If you need anybody like that, just a friendly reminder that I'm always here for you and you can message me at any point:)

That's all I have for now, sorry, I hope it helps. Love you guys! xoxo - Lily

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