How to help someone with Anxiety

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What to say (and what not to say) to someone with Anxiety, (A list) this chapter is for all the friends and family members who have no idea what they're doing and need a bit of guidance to deal with people who are panicking so you don't mess us up even more. 

- Don't say, "I know what you mean I once had a panic attack because of _______" if it's absolutely absurd like having a panic attack because your favorite band is in town. If you don't have an anxiety disorder, don't try to assume that you know what they feel because trust me you don't.

- Do say that your there for them and will do whatever they need at the moment, if they need a minute alone, leave them alone if they need a glass of water, for goodness sake get them a glass of water! If they don't want to be alone, don't leave! Even if it makes you uncomfortable dealing with it! Because it quite literally feels like we're dying here!

- Don't ask them if they are Okay for a hundred times in a row, No we are not okay, yes it will pass, stop panicking because it's making us panic even more.

- Do ask them what you can do to help, we've been through this a thousand times before we know what we need and when we tell you what we need, we need it ASAP. Trust me we know what we're talking about when we tell you what need to calm down, don't say "Are you sure, that sounds like it will make it worse." Yes, we're sure! When we say something just do it no questions asked, we know what we're talking about okay?

Some of the things people say to people panicking make them feel ashamed for having this disorder they can't control, don't make us feel ashamed and not acknowledge that we are suffering, we want to be heard, and that's all we can really hope for. 

Hey, guys' I know this chapter is also a bit short but I will be adding onto to list, but I just wanted to get this up and out there for people who have no idea how to comfort someone with Anxiety. I don't understand why mental health gets such a bad rap, it's just the same as some who has a physical disorder you just can't see it because it's not in plain sight. I hope this list helps people who don't understand what to do and remember guys I'm always here for you to talk no matter what, just DM and we can talk about anything:) all right bye guys, xoxo- Lily. 

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