Learing about it

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Hey. guys! I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry for that and I also know I say that every time but, I have been really busy and have been trying to find time to continue to update for you guys, So recently I've been getting into watching these really powerful message videos of like anxiety and stuff like that and it's really helped open my eyes on other people's point of view and these things and what they've taken from it and what they've learned. Now I've said not to look things up online and I still stand by that but what I do encourage is to learn more about what your going through weather it be asking a friend, parent, Guardian, trusted adult, sibling, or doctor or even looking up what you already know about and finding out more but in a careful way as to not freak you out even more. I find it really helpful when you know things about why to have and how to cope with it based on what professionals say. You can take me too their advice and you can also find out your own in time like I have. It could be taking your mind off of it simply by watching a show or something like that or taking steps in getting rid of that feeling at that very moment in time.

There's more to come for this chapter but this is what I Have so far hope it gave you some ideas!


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