Anxiety in School

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Hey, guys so this is an update and today was my first day back in school.

  I had an anxiety attack in school because I was having a flashback about something that had happened a couple months before. I don't exactly know what had triggered it or anything but I had to calm down, So I told my teacher and she had let me go calm down in the bathroom to take a breather and see if that helped at all, it didn't help at all so I had to go back to class and tell her. So once I told her She sent me to the school nurse and the Nurse asked if I did anything to help with my anxiety, but I couldn't exactly go on my phone and watch tv or hang out with my dogs so she ended up just printing out a detailed coloring page for me to help calm me down. It helped a little bit because it helped to get my mind off of it. So after a while, I was able to go back to class and go on with the rest of the day.

But, when you have a panic attack I recommend asking the teacher to step out for a minute and see if that help calms you down, there isn't very much you can do at school when you're having an anxiety attack but just do what you can to help yourself out.  

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