Unnecessary panicking

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Hey guys, I know it's been a minute since I last talked to you guys but truth is I've been finding it a bit difficult go find the right words to say, but I'm going to try right now so bare with me.

As you probably know, I heavily recommend that you pray whenever your freaking out, (though you should pray all the time) because I am a Christian (and a very proud one at that) but, I have been struggling with my relationship with the Lord recently and have been spending quite a bit of time trying to fiqure it all out and talking with him, just asking him to show me the way back to his arms. I've been dealing with this for a quite a while now and only recently have I started to feel better about my place with the lord. I have had a few mini panic attacks here and there but everytime I just pray to Jesus and ask him fo take away my anxiety and I just sit there and talk with him until I feel better, sometimes I have to do that multiple times to reassure myself. After I do this, and make peace with myself and the Lord, I try to take my mind off it. I draw, paint, color, and watch TV to occupy myself and not think. It works. At least for me it does. I know some of you may not agree with my beliefs and faith but either way I encourage all of you to seek out the Lord and let him take all your suffering away. I honestly don't know what I do with him, I wouldn't survive to be honest. Just sit down in a nice quiet, relaxing place and talk, just sit there and talk with him for how evening you need, and there's this weight just lifted from your shoulders. Let him save you and everything will be all right, this is what definitely helps keep sane and being able to push on through out everyday. There are the time where I have to do this repeatedly to make myself feel better because sometimes I feel as though I just didn't connect with him or something, or it's just my constant worrying, but as I said, just take your mind of the things your worrying about. I actually recently talked to my mom about this because she was one of things I was worrying about and afterward I prayed again and definitely felt a whole lot better the next day. I hope you guys find your peace with Jesus if you haven't already and remember if any of you ever need to talk then don't be afraid to reach out to me, I'm always here to talk if need be. About anything, even if you just need a friend for a bit:)

I love you guys and I'll talk soon bye:) xoxo - lily

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