Make it Funny

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Hey guys so a tip that my mom gave me the other day was that when you have a  traumatizing time, no matter what it may be about you can make it funny. 

Take that moment that you have floating around in your head that won't go away and turn it into a cartoon. 

To make a traumatizing time funny you have to make it as crazy as possible. Make it as crazy as your mind can conceive and beyond, I mean make it so funny that the second you think about you would fall on the floor laughing as hard as you can in line at the grocery store.  

Once you have done this you have to repeat in your mind 10 times, and each time you re-imagine it you have to make it crazier than the first time you imagined it. For this to work a little bit better you should also make it a point to laugh out loud every time even if you don't want to laugh. It can help you a lot,  trust me. Because taking something that was so horrible and you hate to think about and making it funny can be life-changing, because once you are able to take the power of hurt away from that memory it can change your life, you become happier and sometimes you can a lot longer without having thought about the incident.  I tried it for the first time and it has helped me so much, I became happier as a person and was able to do more things without being interrupted by my mind, I can live life so much more efficient and with a truly genuine smile on my face so much more now, I'm telling you this works like a charm. 

If you really want to make small steps in getting better to try this even if it seems stupid and embarrassing, I had to push through that feeling to discover that it helps so much and afterward you feel like a different person. You feel as if a massive weight has been lifted off of your shoulder and you can just go on with your life almost immediately after feeling a bit better, now I'm not saying this will work for everyone or that you will better immediately but I am saying it wouldn't hurt to try. 

Anyway, I love you guys and again if you ever need to talk about anything what so ever just reach to me and I'll reply as soon as I can.

Be brave and in the words of Jared Padalecki, "Keep on Fighting."

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