What not to do

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So this chapter will be a list on WHAT NOT TO DO when panicking 

Do Not look anything up online. I know it's hard not to but trust me it's for the best

Don't talk to people you know will make it worse.

Don't (try not to because I know this is a very difficult thing to not do, we don't exactly have much control over what we think in these times) overthink what's bothering you.

Don't drink caffeine. (If it helps you that's great, caffeine for me helps sometimes but other times makes me little anxious, it just depends on the day)

I am, again, repeating for my self, do not look anything up online, it will give you anxiety-inducing results which are not true. The internet brings up the worst possible cases for anything. Don't believe everything you see.

I hope this helps a little bit but remember that I'm here if you ever need to talk about anything just shoot me a DM, and, I know this was quite short but I promise to add more onto it in the future:) thanks guys, xoxo - Lily

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