The Difference Between Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks

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The difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks can be difficult to tell apart but this chapter will cover the differences and how to distinguish each from each other. 

 Some people say that there is no difference at all, but for the people who say that they have obviously never experienced either.  Now for the longest time, I got confused as to what the difference was or how to tell which one I was having at that moment of time. 

I have finally figured it out, After years of dealing with Anxiety I have finally found the answer I have been looking for, and now I'm here to tell you. What is the Difference between Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks?

Anxiety Attacks: Anxiety Attacks are extended to longer periods of time, Some of the symptoms for Anxiety attacks may include: Muscle tension, Disturbed sleep, Difficulty Concentrating, Fatigue, Restlessness, Shaking, Sweating, and Breathing difficulties. 

Panic attacks: Panic Attack's are intense periods of fear developing over a short time frame, symptoms may include: Sudden overwhelming fear, Palpations, Sweating, Shaking/Trembling, Shortness of breath or Breathing difficulties, Chest pain, Nausea, Dizziness, Foggy brain (A feeling of being detached to the world around you), Fear of Dying, Numbness or tingling in certain limbs or whole body, Chills, Hot flushes, Feeling faint.

It will differ from person to person, These are some of the symptoms that differ from Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks.

 I hope this helps you figure out which you are having so that way you know how to deal with it properly. I love you guys and remember if you ever need to talk about anything at all you can contact me and I will answer as soon possible, My Instagram is in my bio so if you want DM me privately on there feel free to do so, Bye!

Lily- xoxo

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