Chapter 4- 'Happenings' at School

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I fainted. I FREAKIN' FAINTED! F-A-I-N-T-E-D-!-! RIGHT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! über embarrassing!! :P But what happened????

 I had finished packing my bags and had closed my locker. I remember everything getting all fuzzy and BAM I wake up surrounded by people who were whispering loudly. As I very slowly "came to" I thought of the most important thing, "Why was Drake was so close to my face?" 

(Author's comment: Was that really the most important thing?? HEHE HAHA :P)

Then I thought of the other, important, normal things like "Why am I on the floor?" or "Why are there people around me?" and "Why do I feel a slight pain on my butt and back?" 

Drake: (Coming off my mouth)

I accidentally coughed on his face. He squints and wipes away the spit but smiles.

Few people in Crowd: EWW! 

Geez, I almost died (probably) and they can't hold their comments for a little while? 

Woah, I just realized Drake was holding my hand. Well touching, he was probably checking my pulse but... woah. My heart skipped a beat AGAIN! This was seriously not the time! I realized more people were around me than I originally thought. They were just staring and whispering. Finally a teacher came through...

Mr. Levi: What is going on here?! What the...

Of course it had to be Mr. Levi, our music teacher. He was young, fresh, cool and all that jazz but my good friend Alana had recently had a dream about him. It was a hilarious dream. Odd, but very funny. I was thinking about it and the irony of it all. I had to laugh. I could feel a smile coming on... 

Me: (loud, hysterical laughter) HAHAHAHA!

People probably thought I was going crazy. Mr. Levi looked at me funny, which made me want to laugh more but I tried to control myself. I reduced my self to a small, somewhat controlled smile. Before Mr. Levi was about to say anything, the Pledge of Allegiance came on the intercom. Everyone (except me and Drake) stood up and said the pledge, completely ignoring me. Finally the pledge ended. Mr. Levi turned back around. Drake was helping me to sit up. 

Mr. Levi: What in tarnations happened here?

Me: (slightly smiling) I... uh...

Me & Drake: fainted. 

We looked at each other, smiling of course. 

Mr. Levi: Oh, are you alright Bianca?

The crowd started to get smaller as kids went into various class rooms for first period. 

Me: Yeah I think so.

I tried to get up my self.

Me: OW! 

I slipped and fell back down on my bottom. 

Me: My leg, MY LEG!

I guess that meant my leg was hurt. Mr. Levi and Drake picked me up, so I could stand.

Me: Oww.

Mr. Levi picked me up in that bridal, wedding position. THAT WAS SUPER AWKWARD!!! I'm SO glad I didn't wear a skirt today. but I was gonna burst out laughing. I couldn't wait to tell Alana what had happened. We live in different neighborhoods so I would have text her later, if I didn't see her at school. Mr. Levi carried me to the nurse's office. I did find a way to control my laughter though, surprisingly. Drake was still with us when we reached the nurse's office.

Mr. Levi: You can go to class now...

Me: (whisper) Drake, is his name.

Mr. Levi: Drake.

Since Drake was new he had not met Mr. Levi yet. Drake's first music class was today actually. I wonder if he could sing. That would just add to his artistic abilities.... ANYWAY,

Drake: I know, I just wanted to make sure my girl, (quickly) I MEAN my classmate was alright.

Wow, another slip-up. :)

Mr. Levi: Well she is fine, now that we are at the nurse's office.

Mr. Levi put me down so I could try to walk to the nurse's office. I grabbed onto his shoulder so I wouldn't fall. Drake came up and helped me to walk into the nurse's office. Well more like hop. 

Ms. Yankee( the nurse): What happened?

Mr. Levi, Drake And I: She/I fainted.

Ms. Yankee: Are you alright, sweetie?

I'm in 8th grade yet still being called sweetie, geez. 

Me: I dont know, im having a hard time walking. I should be fine soon. see?

I try to get up but slip and fall right into the chair. Ms. Yankee helps me up and I hope around on my one good foot to  the table across the room. Around this time Drake and Mr. Levi left. I heard Mr. Levi thank Drake for being a good person and helping. Now....

Ms. Yankee: You are very lucky, we have 1 good bandage left to wrap that up. 

What a cheap school? tsk... tsk... tsk...

Me: Thanks...

Ms. Yankee straightened my leg and wrapped it up carefully. After a bunch ow "ow's" I was able to limp to class. 

Me: Thanks Ms. Yankee. 

Ms. Yankee: Oh your welcome, sweetie. No problem at all.

As I limped to class I saw Drake in the hallway. He was getting his stuff. He smiled and went on to classs. I did expecct him to help me get my stuff but he didn't. oh well. Boys can be inconsiderate at times, many times. As I limped off to class, I remember something. When I woke up Drake was coming from my lips, like right before I coughed on him. WOW! That... that was a... k-i-s-s. A kiss that I wasn't even awake for. O-M-G! I cant even think straight. I might faint again if im not careful. I went to the water fountain. Then I went to class. We were just about to finish boring History class. I'm glad I missed that! Then it was time for Music class. Oh I was so excited, it was one of my favorite classes! I was also about to find out if Drake could sing! I wish I could sing, I mean people say I can but I'm not really sure. I've always been unsure about those like acting, singing, and dancing....

Jana: OHMIGOSH! What, WHAT happened?!

Me: I fainted.

Jana: When?!

Me: I think this morning, before the pledge.

Jana: Wow, how could I miss that? Are YOU alright?

Me: I really have no idea but yeah, I'm fine. 

Jana: Good. At least we have music class together. Lets go. 

Me: Yep!

OHMIGOSH! Can you believe Bianca fainted?? It was cause she was somewhat dehydrated, if you couldn't figure that out from Chapter 3. And do you think it was really a kiss???? And how could Jana miss the event of the school day?

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