Chapter 17 - Babies and Beyoncé

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Chapter 17


   "So, how was the fair?"

   I visibly gulped, and tried to muster a smile. "It was good?"

   "You won't be making jokes by the time we're done with you guys," Dad said with narrowed eyes.

   I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply. How do I always manage to get myself in trouble? Oh wait, I know the answer to that. It's because I do reckless stupid things, and drag my friends into them.

   I looked behind Elyse and Dad to see Sarah standing behind them. She just shrugged and shook her head hopelessly. There was nothing that she could do.

   "You're both grounded for the rest of the week. School's the only place you'll be going to, and soccer practice will be cancelled for both of you," Dad said strictly.

   "What?!" I was fine with my punishment until he mentioned the soccer thing.

   "I said, you'll be grounded for the-"

   "No, we heard that. Dad, I have a game coming up this Saturday!" Damon crossed his arms.

   "Yeah, and mine is the week after. We need all the practice that we can get."

   "Yeah, Cole. Maybe we can let them go to their practice?" Elyse asked softly, putting her hand on his arm.

   "No. You've been codling them for far too long. We know about the food fight you started, the guy you punched, the classes you skipped, the pranks you pulled. The school's been keeping an eye on both of you."

   His words shocked me. How'd I think I could've gotten away with all of that?

   "Okay, you're right. But they're going to college next year, and this is their scholarship. I'm sure we can find a different punishment," Elyse replied.

   Dad started walking up the stairs with Elyse following him.

   "Not this time. They have to learn, Elyse. . ."

   We didn't get to hear the rest of the conversation because they were out of hearing sight by now.

   "They were going to pick you up at school because they had big news for you guys, but you weren't there. I'm sorry." Sarah pursed her lips.

   "You have nothing to apologize for," Damon said with a sigh.

    "I'm so exhausted. I'm going up to my room." I rubbed my eyes before leaving them, and going up the stairs to my room. The second my head hit the pillow, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


   The searing pain in my lower abdomen woke me up the next morning. I groaned as I changed my position in the bed, trying to make the pain stop.

   The pain increased, and I started sweating nonstop whilst panting.

   "Elyse! ELYSE!!" The pain was so unbearable, I couldn't stop screaming.

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