Chapter 36 - What Are You Saying?

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Chapter 36


Someone burst into my room making me sit up straight. Cameron. I put a hand on my chest, feeling the hard thudding of my heart of being woken up so abruptly.

My eyebrows furrowed again, however, when I caught sight of Cameron's tear-streaked face with her puffy, red eyes. I threw off the cover and beckoned her to sit next to me on the bed.

"What's wrong, Cam?" I asked, my voice groggy with sleep. I rubbed my eyes and she started sobbing even harder.

Pulling her into a hug, I tried comforting her by patting her arm, but I still couldn't see or think straight.

"It's-it's Warren. He g-got kicked out o-of his band, and he's blaming- he's blaming it on me," I tried to make out the words through her hard crying and sobbing.

My eyes widened when I registered what she said and the sleep was instantly washed off me like cold water. "What? W-what happened?"

Her answer was more crying and sobbing.

"I'm going to wash up in the bathroom and come back so we can talk clearly. You should also wash your face. Meet me downstairs," I said, getting up from the bed and heading into the bathroom.

Before closing the bathroom the door, I heard Cameron shuffle out of the room, still quietly crying. I looked at the mirror and groaned loudly. How did I manage to mess up so badly? I felt like smashing my head against the sink as I heard Cameron sobbing from outside the room.

I splashed my face with cold water, brushed my teeth thoroughly, and did my business on the toilet. I quickly pulled my hair into a messy ponytail, and left the room, heading into the kitchen. Cameron was sitting by the counter with Elyse trying to calm her down. I saw that she had washed her face, but she was talking erratically to Elyse, her words mingling into each other.

I opened the fridge and got out an closed orange juice box before pouring some of it in a glass cup. I sat across Cameron whilst drinking from the cup.

"Now, tell me what happened from beginning to end slowly and without crying so I can understand."

She nodded and sucked in a deep breath. "Today, he called me and told me that the instruments in his hotel room were destroyed. His bandmates blamed him even though he didn't even touch them. He put them in the balcony because he thought that was the last place anyone could think of to look for. "

Then, Jerry got a call from these big producers and they were going to sign them off but they said that Warren ruined it for them. He swore that he didn't do anything and I believed him, but when I checked their website, he really did write rude things on it. When I told him that I saw the comment, he said that this was all because of me. I g-got myself pregnant so we had to come here and if we hadn't c-came here, the instruments wouldn't have been d-destroyed."

By the end of her rant, the tears were streaming freely again. I felt a pang of guilt pierce my heart at the sight of her disheveled, crying, puffy-eyed face. I did this, I did all of this. Every time I try to help, I just end up making things worse.

"Warren is a fu**ing bastard that doesn't deserve someone beautiful, smart, and extraordinary like you," Elyse said fiercely as she gripped her shoulders hardly.

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