I just want to be by your side, if these wings could fly

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Gerard had fallen asleep against the cold hard wood floor of the closet, Bob's picture clutched to his chest and slightly crumpled. He sniffs, awoken by commotion down stairs. The flooring makes his hips ache and the teen wipes a stand of drool of his cheek.

Loud foot steps barrel up the stairs and down the hallway, muffled by the walls. Gerard freezes when the door to his bedroom opens, the footsteps hurrying over to the closet door and yanking it open. He recognizes Lyn-z's big, black, clunky boots.

She kneels down in front of Gerard, taking him in with the little light given from the ajar door.

"Listen to me," Lyn-z says, warm hands coming to cup the younger's cheeks. "I'm not here for much longer. You're going to find your mate, I promise you. Fate always brings happiness to those who most deserve it. You can do this without me." Many footsteps ring on the stairs once more.

Gerard gulps, doe eyes blinking. He grabs Lyn-z's rumpled plaid skirt out of habit, leaning into her and nestling into her neck. The footsteps grow louder, just outside the door now.

"I love you Gerard, live for me."

The door to the closet is ripped open, hands reaching in and yanking her away. Gerard screams, shuffling up and grabbing onto her shoulder, yanking the men back who grip her arms. They grunt and one pushes Gerard to the ground, hauling a willing Lyn-z.

"No!" He screams, following the group into the front entrance. Lyn-z looks back one last time as Bert comes from the side, restraining Gerard. She winks, red lipstick smudged.

And then she's gone, the door's slam signaling the end. It shocks Gerard, who's forefully pressed agaisnt Bert's chest, upper arms held in a tight grip.


Gerard's slumped forward, black hair cascading over his eyes and parting to show the silver door nob on one of the double doors, haunting him.

Bert drops him, letting the younger fall to the floor in a heap, his foot steps loud and taunting as they disperse down the hall.

The teen rolls into his back, energy pulsing under his skin, telling him to run out the door and find Lyn-z. But Gerard knows she's long gone now, the men holding her seemed to be in a hurry. Knowing he was after them probably didn't do much, but Gerard likes to think they walked just a bit faster, aware that he might chase them down.

The floor is hard and cold, fall air creeping under the door and through the window, into the house before it hits the heating system and looses the battle.

Gerard blinks, tears rolling over his cheeks and making sticky trails before blopping onto the floor. He shivers, hands balling his hoodie sleeves over his fists so he can wipe his face shakily.

He doesn't know how long he lays there for, hazel eyes studying the ceiling in rapid movements. The click of high heeled shoes pulls him from self pity.

"Get up, you disgusting excuse for a wolf." Donna sneers, causing Gerard to groan. "Take a shower and then meet your father and I in the dinning room for dinner."

Gerard hears her make a remark about him not needing it as she walks away, causing him to wipe his eyes even before the tears come back.


The bathroom is situated next to a hall closet, which is next to his room. Gerard has to pass Lyn-z's before he gets there. He makes sure to keep his eyes on the threads of his towel until the door is closed and locked behind him.

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