Take yourself far away from nothingness and leave it all behind you pt.1

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Gerard hugs the wall, legs protesting as he works on walking around the golden room.

Bert had put him in bed last night, not saying a word and slamming the door with a loud clap that Gerard can still hear bouncing around the room.

Some poor omega working in the house had to come and clean his spit up from the day before, and Gerard feels bad thinking of the house worker he saw yesterday. All the others hiding in the shadows, waiting for a moment of freedom.

Gerard grunts, pushing off the wall and taking tentative steps with his arms out in front of him.

He looks out the window, Bert talking with some betas and his mom out farther east, talking with his father and some betas.

The silence is heavy in the house, no clicks of high heels or demanding bangs on furniture and walls when Bert wanted something.

Gerard pulls the sleeves of Lyn-z's hoodie over his hands, slipping out the door and painfully making his way down the stairs.

The house looks bigger than usual with no visible people living inside. Making his way into the kitchen, Gerard looks around, never being in the room before.

The lights are brighter than the dining room ones, and two large fridges control the left wall, and on the right a large oven and sink sit under a window. A counter floats in the middle, many cabinets underneath. They probably hold silverware.

Gerard walks to the farthest wall opposing the entrance. Two doors daunt him, he opens the left hesitantly, peeking his head inside to a be met with racks soon racks of alcoholic drinks.

A hand is dropped lightly on Gerard's shoulder and he squeaks, ducking out of the room and slamming the door with his body against it.

The omega from yesterday jumps back, clutching a pile of laundry to his chest.

"Oh, it's just you." Gerard says, hand over his heart.

The younger looking boy nods, big sleepy eyes blinking slowly over his laundry pile. He looks up at Gerard, scanning for any potential wounds and conning back up to his face again, eyes sympathetic.

"I'm okay." Gerard says, shifting awkwardly and painfully.

"Bert and your mother are scheduled to go to Bert's pack for the day." The boys whispers, not giving Gerard room to speak before he's shuffling out the door with quiet and practiced steps.

Gerard smiles despite himself, face dropping as he slips inside the room again, leaving the door ajar.

He looks around at the racks, many of the drinks only half full. Red wine and white wine and hard liquor galore.

The teen stumbles over to a shelf, picking up one of the few full bottles of clear liquid. He sloshes it around in his hands, reading the label before unscrewing the cap.

Gerard puts the bottle to his lips and sips quickly, coughing as it burns on the way down, erupting in his head like lighting and dispersing as quickly as it came in small fizzles. He sighs, taking another sip and painfully walking out of the room.

Passing the dining room, Gerard comes to the double doors in the entrance way. He takes another burning sip and blinks slowly, unlocking the door and pushing with all his weight until it swings open.

Swinging the bottle, Gerard ventures into the autumn chill. He snuggles into the pink cloth that still smells like Lyn-z and heads across the yard towards the west side.


Think of the teaser for this story. OooooOoOo

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