And this is the red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart

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Gerard picks at the dwindling grass that grew around his crossed legs. Everything in his vicinity was cold and overgrown. Preparing for winter, squirrels scuttle around, keeping away from the boy as he watches the yellow strands break between his fingers. The high plants distort under their own building weights, still tethered to the solidifying ground. Gerard sighs.

He rubs at his right knee, pain sparking dully. A bruise would form in about two days time, coloring his skin his favorite mix of purple and black, slowly lightening with age until the night turned to the yellows of sunset.

This is the start, of how it all ends.

It must have been a pew, or maybe one of those big doors he had hit. He can't remember, all memories of the morning mushing together until he only sees the shocked, blurred faces of the Iero pack as he ran straight through them. All thoughts tinted the green of Frank's scarf from the morning and smelling of old oak.

Gerard Way wasn't the yet-to-be-crowned luna they expected. Fire raged in his stomach, only traveling up to his mouth when someone fed the flames.

His anxious footsteps rang down the center aisle, and now the sound bounced around his head. The slam of that big door following him like thunder and marking the start of the confused mutters the members would whisper, eyes wide and Frank left at the front of the room blank faced.

They used to shout my name, now they whisper it.

The dead leaves that scatter the ground crunch behind Gerard, and he knows who it is without looking up from his plant sticky hands.

Calmness rolls over the omega's head to his hunched shoulders, continuing in small drops down his body.

"Shouldn't you be with your pack?" He questions, rolling stems together until they shrivel.

"I am." There's a long pause that follows, letting Frank's words set in the air. Gerard doesn't know what to say to that, opting to pick another strand out from the ground.

"I never thanked you." The leaves crinkle again, the sound moving closer to Gerard as Frank walks slowly. The younger doesn't move to look back, part of him wants to.

"For what?" Another stem shrivels in Gerard's fingers, he's quick to pick another from the hard earth.

"Saving my life." Vision burns holes through Gerard's jacket, singeing his shirt and bringing warmth to the expanse of his back. He imagines the skin burns red.

Looking down at his hands, the teen recalls the small cuts that littered the skin of his palms from how hard he gripped the bark. The sickening snap that came when the branch connected with Bert's head. The sheer relief that followed. He doesn't say anything.

Frank comes down next to Gerard in the meadow, crossing his legs 'Indian style' like the straight faced boy. They both sit, one hunched and staring dead ahead. The other leans back, fingers spreading as palms connected to the dirt to hold his weight.

"Two and a half days." Frank's voice is the same gravely loud frequency that sent shivers down Gerard's back. He turns now, not able to stop himself.

The alpha sits closer than Gerard anticipated, a tattooed hand a good half foot from his right hip. Hair falls over his face and the short blond sides stand stark against the color palette of the forest.

"You're going to kill him."

"I'm not as deserving as you."

"That could be true." The fire seems to be fed. Gerard looks back forward in an attempt to not let his want for Frank dictate his movements. The child of a man already clouded his thoughts, and that was enough for the omega. He was sick of Frank's stupid perfect face and his stupid alluring scent and his stupid everything.

The leaves crunch again and Gerard feels Frank move closer. He doesn't address it, opting to stare straight ahead. His stomach twists as he looks downwards without moving his head, Frank's hand so close to Gerard's hip, he's scared to move. But he wants to.

Gerard can feel that same pull tug at his stomach. The same he felt watching Frank's wolf circle Bert's. The teen yearns for the sparks he knows would ignite when their skin touched. He bites his lip, blood welling in the pink skin and dotting the soft surface.

Frank turns, a hesitant hand passing Gerard's line of sight and cupping a cheek. He turns toward the omega, thumb swiping down and catching the red.

Gerard turns his head with the appendage, looking Frank dead in the eyes for the first time since morning. He doesn't know what to say, his stomach swirling with that odd concoction of nerves and other unspeakable emotions when Frank touched him like this.

The forest grass is softer, and everything turns brighter. Gerard sighs softly as tan fingers flick a strand of his dark hair behind an ear, rough palm cupping one of his now red cheeks.

He leans closer to Frank, the two meeting in the middle as his head rests in the valley between the alpha's shoulder and neck. Gerard closes his eyes, leaning on the other.

Frank drops his hands to the omega's middle, strong arms locking around his waist and pulling him into his lap sideways.

Gerard hums softly, skin zinging in one quick shock as he nuzzles Frank's chest.

"It's cold." He whispers, which isn't untrue. Gerard's breath clouded in the small distance between them. But, it was more an excuse than reason to let Frank hold him like this.

The older doesn't say anything of this, resting his head over Gerard's and enjoying the small boy's weight in his lap. This being something that visited him far and wide, when the stubborn teen put his barriers down for awhile. His body sat soft and slack, lacking in the terrors that slithered sacrilegiously into his head at times; Frank's arms acting as a barrier between the cruel world and his sweet mate.

And there they sat, one wrapped around the other. Clouded, slow breaths shared in the clammy space between them. Warmth and serenity shroud the two, smothering the fires of anguish that once burned.



Bit of a shorter chapter, but I needed something soft between both the meeting and trial.

Whatcha think of the chapter? How are you all? Safe space to rant in the comments if you fancy.

I've been way off my schedule with the summer. I'm really bad with dates when I have no reason to leave the house. It's summer, it could be a Tuesday. I think we're still in Jersey. That's all I know. But, I'll be attending art classes soon, so I should be back on a more concrete schedule.

Votes and comments are always appreciated. I'll see you peoples soon!

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