Goddam right, you should be scared of me pt.2

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I'm bigger than my body
I'm stronger than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones


Gerard stills, ears perking as he scans the forest. Silence answers and covers them in a thick blanket. The alpha behind him huffs, turning slowly to look through the dense forest behind them.

A silver moon falls lower behind the trees, shinning bright light that reflects in the small puddles of water that dot the dirt below, probably left from recent rain. Gerard watches the small flies that swarm around the water. The puddles oceans to their small bodies. They creep around the unmoving sides, hesitant. One zooms around before diving right into its end; willing.

Another growl breaks the trees, animals rocketing from their burros and fleeing at the sound.

Gerard's off, breaking the surface of the small pool of water in his wake and leaving the white coated alpha behind. He doesn't see, but the bigger wolf doesn't make a move to follow him.

Branches snap loudly as Gerard huffs, twisting in between trees. His claws scrape the cold, wet dirt below. Small animals scatter out of his way, the sounds of the fight to the west a loud roar in his ears. Gerard jumps over a log, landing ungracefully but continuing unfazed. 

Another snarl bounces off the trees. It's deep and deathly angry. A grueling image flashes in the omega's mind. Spit pooling between yellow canines. Drool stretching between the rows of sharp teeth before falling from a mouth as jaws snap, flinging through the air as its owner roars.

Gerard stops, skidding as the sounds of a fight bleed through the trees loudly. He jerks to the side with momentum, a whine caught in his teeth as his ribs meet dirt with a sick thud.

Pulling his legs under himself, Gerard licks his nose, the leathery skin burning against the cold of the ending night.

Creeping forward, he stays low in the closure of the underbrush, watching as the trees give way to a large clearing.

Two wolves dance around in a slow circle, not noticing Gerard. Bert's there, a stocky light black coat. Lacerations run down his sides and he moves stiffly. The teen finds himself smiling at the sight, lip curling up in a weird motion.

Gerard looks to the other body in the clearing, yellow eyes squinting. It -well he- isn't smaller, but more compact. Lean muscles ripple as he moves. Wounds speckle his body like Bert's, chest puffed out and movements calculated. An alpha, definitely.

Blood knots in his rich black fur, and Gerard wants to curl up next to him and lick it off. Shaking his head, he try's to gather his thoughts. Gerard's chest aches as he watches the scene silently.

They both growl between the snarls and short snaps at each other. Deep grumbling rattles that move in booming waves across the forest and cause birds to squawk alarmingly before quieting again.

The alphas quiet, crouching down slowly to pounce. They shoot through the air and meet in the middle. Gerard watches as they collapse to the ground in a tight ball, wrestling and rolling in the dirt as the power shifts.

They break away from each other again. Bert's bleeding from his right eye, and his opponent limps on his front left paw. His right drags on the dirt below him, blood trailing in its wake.

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