I can't go back, don't think I will

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Important news the in a/n at the bottom.

Gerard can see his right eye in the glass, hazel blinking back at him in astonishment. He glances up at Frank, who looks down at him with a raised eyebrow.

They sit in Frank's bedroom, the dark shades still up and blocking out the morning sun as it rises. It's warm and stuffy in the room, a small fire crackling away in the fireplace. Soft hues of red-orange flicker over Frank and catch in his dark eyes. They reflect over the black screen of the phone in his outstretched hand and dance in fluctuating speeds.


"What?" Frank asks, eyeing Gerard's hesitant hand, pale limb hovering in the air.

"I've just never really been allowed." he murmurs.

"You've got to be shitting me." Frank sighs, plopping the smartphone into Gerard's open palm. When Frank's gotten up and standing in the doorway, Gerard's still sat half tangled in blankets and blank-faced. "Breakfast at seven." The older sighs, tapping the door frame awkwardly. He disappears into the hallway and then into the lounge that breaks out from it. Frank's pillow is half scrunched into one of the creases in the couch. He yanks it out, fluffing it half-heartedly before throwing the plush into his sloppy pile of sheets and heading down to the kitchen.


Gerard swirls the spoon sloped in his yogurt and mopes around into the den. He yawns, hair a rat's nest on top of his head. The bottoms of his sweatpants sweep the floor behind him, catching on the carpet.

Frank's sat in the corner of the couch before the television, the channel seven news playing. Gerard sits down at his side. The cold bites at his toes and he tucks his feet under himself, taking a heap of blueberry yogurt and shoveling it into his mouth.

Giggles and chatter come from the stairs, six pairs of tiny feet thundering down. Gerard watches as children break onto the main floor, trailed by a tired looking beta in a robe. Hair in a bun, she teeters into the kitchen, hand resting on a swollen tummy.

Each child mutters some form of good morning to Gerard and Frank, behaved in front of their alpha and unofficial luna. They each file in front of the two, sitting on the other side of the long couch and piling together.

Gerard reaches between Frank and the cushions with the hand not on his yogurt, grabbing the remote to channel surf until the Sunday cartoons come on. He winks at the kids, ignoring Frank's gaze into the side of his head.

"SpongeBob gives you all the current events you need in the middle of the woods," Gerard whispers, smiling around his spoon and humming along with the others as the theme song plays. Frank smiles at the sight, hiding behind his coffee cup as he sips.


By the time breakfast has come and gone, twenty or so kids have accumulated around Gerard, spreading out all over and bundling up into his side. Frank has fallen back asleep, head against the back of the couch.

Anthony leans over and kisses Gerard on the top of the head, messing up each kids' hair in turn as he moves down the couch. They all giggle, curling up and covering their heads with their hands.

"Frank!" Ryan comes down the stairs, grabbing the doorway and swinging into the entrance. The alpha stutters, falling into Gerard.

"We've got two figures on the west." Frank jumps up, thanking Ryan before running out of the room. Gerard can hear him yelling orders in the foyer, stuffing his feet into his boots messily. Feet crack on the stairs like lighting, heavy and quick.

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