No one compares to you, but there's no you, except in my dreams tonight.

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Gerard runs.

And runs.

And runs.

His lungs used to burn, back when he passed the once Ways' clearing and into the Iero's. They don't sting anymore, his chest open and heavy with his labored breathing.

When Gerard stops, leaning against a tree, the snow falls heavy. It collects on the ground under his feet and in his black hair. Gerard chose a too light jacket for this weather, but he can't feel the cold. His fingertips are numb, legs jelly as he loses the sense of direction. He keeps walking aimlessly.

The sky is a drab gray-blue, the white scenery stark against Gerard's dark clothing. The snow in his hair melts against his rising body temperature, dampening the dark strands. He mumbles to himself, cracked lips painful against the cold when he licks them.

Snow starts to pile on top the dead grass, making impressionable and icy cold layers. Gerard, cheeks an impossible red, drops down against it. He sprawls out under the foliage, white wisps falling down slowly, light like feathers. He sighs, limbs heavy and too hot. The ground is hard, making his back release tension painfully. Gerard lets his eyes drop, snow heavenly against his skin.



Rough fingers brush the snow off the omega's rosy cheeks, arms hurriedly pulling him out of the snow and up into a warm chest. Gerard yowls, blinking his eyes open. Vision blurry, he watches the trees about them as Frank runs as fast he possibly can through the snow. The sun is starting to set, casting a warm glow over Frank's face, the shadows of the trees cutting through it.

"Alpha," Gerard mumbles, the entire side of his body sparkling at the contact. His stomach flops with every one of Frank's hurried steps.

"I've got you, Gee, I've got you."


Frank rips open the door, thundering up the stairs before anyone on the bottom floor can see his hard-on or smell Gerard.

The teen was a twitchy, sweaty mess by the time they get back to the house. He gets hotter by the second, taking in wheezing breaths.

Sprinting, Frank breaks onto his floor, reaching the door at the end of the spiral staircase. He shoulders it open, kicking it closed and continuing to run.

Gerard's eyes are foggy, not focusing on anything when Frank sets him down on his bed and rips the poor boy's winter coat off. The older sits him up, hands on his shoulders.


"'M howt." He says, swallowing drool.

Frank nods, cradling one of Gerard's burning cheeks and managing to catch his gaze. He leans in, waiting for protest before smashing his lips against Gerard's fevered ones.

Hands grip and twist into his jacket, and Frank hurriedly unzips it. Gerard falls back onto the bed and moves up. His sweatpants pull down with the action, exposing pale white sweaty thighs Frank wants to get entangled in.

Kicking his pants the rest of the way off, Gerard pulls Frank over by the collar of his t-shirt, connecting their lips. He whimpers when it turns into more biting that kissing, Frank trailing across his check and to his neck sloppily.

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