Take yourself far away from nothingness and leave it all behind you pt.2

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Gerard sloshes and shakes the glass bottle in his hand as he venters into the new space angrily, puffing warm cold air and making gray clouds that disperse after some seconds.

He hopes he's ruining the whiskey or rum or whatever by shaking the bottle, ducking in between trees as the forest gets thicker.

The ground is cold when he sits his ass down under a willow, wetness seeping through his thin black sweat pants and poking at his thighs and butt. Gerard un-caps the mystery drink, throwing the top behind him carelessly and tipping the bottle back. He coughs when the drink stings the back of his throat, taking in large gulps of cold and dry air before calming.

Gerard sips slower, cringing at the burn as his head falls back against the tree he's under. The alcohol running straight to his blood stream, considering his empty stomach and heavy heart.

It doesn't make him any happier, he finds when the bottle gets lighter and his sips larger. Gerard sniffs again, trying to read the label on the glass as the letters swirl around, making up garbage in his light head.

He gets up again, staggering over roots and stumps and scaring small animals. Black hair obscures the sixteen year old's vision and he angrily flips it out of his face, curse words jumping out of his mouth and bouncing off trees.

Gerard must have hit something or someone when he runs into a wall of weird but nice smells and staggers back. He burps and says sorry like he'd been conditioned to, opening his closed eyes.

Nothing stands out in front of him but more trees and he's confused. Gerard looks around lazily, sniffing through a clogged nose.

Something's coming from the east, something angry and big and scary. He pays it no mind in his jumbled state, venturing past the weird barrier and farther away from his territory.

He looks up and giggles darkly, gaze dropping back down when the Sun blacks out his vision. Gerard blinks away the dark spots, continuing at a slow pace.

The strong thing gets closer, he can feel it. Unfazed, Gerard carries on forward, feeling weird and unwanted the deeper he goes. A hint of safety silver lines his senses, not allowing him to turn back and run. It pulls him to its source.

Gerard thinks of his father and mother, the bottle heavy again in his hand. Marriage and wedding bands and sadness. He knows Bert isn't his mate, with every fiber of his being.

The thing is closer now, whatever it is. Big and dark and scary as hell.

The sixteen year old trips over a root, twisting in the air and falling flat onto his back. Gerard giggles, swiping his hand at the trees above him as they swirl. The limb drops after a few moments and the boy closes his heavy eyes.


When Gerard wakes up, the first thing he notices is his throbbing in his head. The second, is the large animal above him. Teeth bared five centimeters away from his pixie nose. Spit rolls in between the triangles, blopping onto his cheek.

His breath catches in his throat and Gerard whimpers when the big thing above him growls, pushing his head further away and into the hard ground. His vision focuses and Gerard can make out the face of a big wolf, green eyes wild and angry.


There's another growl from the right side and Gerard watches him turn, unable to take his eyes off the alpha; making sure he won't hurt him.

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