But nothing could ever stop us from stealing our place in the Sun

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fUcking rEAdy for this damm chapter.

Gerard's skin burns, raw and prickling as the wolf inside him claws around restlessly, bouncing up and down. It's angry at Gerard for keeping it contained. It's angry at the four unseeable walls, the ceiling, and floor for keeping Gerard captive and the Moon off him, the change not possible for an omega until he's in direct moonlight.

Howls and screams rip through the air outside and the sounds travel down through the cracks of the house to the basement. Something's wrong, Gerard can feel it by the way Bert and the others scuffled out the door unexpectedly before the moon rose.

The house makes no noise, and Gerard can't tell anymore if the screams he hears are coming from outside or the very room he's in.

The ink that once was smooth across the cement floor, depicting a black wolf, now lays unrecognizable. Black ink smears the ground in smudges and dots Lyn-z's hoodie, which now smells more like Gerard than her.

Kicking his legs and curling back up again in a rhythm with his pounding head, Gerard shakes and jerks around on the ground, big thick tears falling down his face like steam trains would a hill.

Someone outside creeps into the kitchen, looking around quickly before placing a hand on the cool door nob. Light floods into the dark kitchen from the basement. The short figure in the entrance watches Gerard for a second silently.

"They've come."

Gerard stops rigid at the sound of his voice, head lifting and looking over his shoulder as his back was facing the door. His eyes are yellow and blood shot, big like saucers and crazy looking. His pale skin has a green tint to it.

"Who?" His voice is unused; scratchy.

"Another pack. Bigger, angrier." The boy at the top of the stairs murmurs softly, his eyes tinted yellow like Gerard's, skin red from scratching.

Gerard rises slowly, walking across the floor and up the stairs in long strides. He passes the shorter omega silently, walking tall out of the kitchen and into the entrance. He stops at the big oak doors, turning back to the small brown haired boy hiding in the shadow of the kitchen. A salty tear falls from his cheek and down his neck, the last one this night, he promises himself.


A silent minuet passes between the two, the screams and growls and miscellaneous sounds outside put on the back burner for a moment.

He nods and Gerard smiles, turning to the big oak doors before ripping them open.

Chaos unfolds outside, wolves from three different packs merging and clawing out against each other with such abandon they forget their real foes. Hundreds of bodies in a sea of anger that blurs until a thick blanket of living and multi colored fur covers the wet grass beneath.

Moonlight floods the entrance hall as Gerard smiles. He tips his head back, black hair falling behind his shoulders. Gerard holds out his arms like wings as he stands over the bubbling bodies below; a messiah in the making.

He drops to his knees, letting his arms drop as he folds in on himself, shredding his clothing as his back hunches and nails grow out. The change comes harsh but quick. It's not unexpected nor is it unpracticed.

Two brown wolves, one a dark chestnut and another light brown, stand on eight legs, looking to each other before they walk shoulder to shoulder out the door.

The light brown leads hesitantly, head low and feet quick and quiet as they skirt outside the carnage. He avoids bodies, puddles of blood spotting the ground like a deadly checker board.

It's all unbelievably load, wolves knit so close the war inside moves as one body.

Gerard follows the other silently, yellow eyes straight forward and squinted as they come upon the tree line. The other omega leads them to a pile of fallen trees, a small tunnel leading underneath. He goes under first and Gerard sticks his head in. Around twenty omegas huddle together. One barks quietly to get his attention, knocking his head back. Gerard stands still for a moment. His legs are tired and his chest feels torn to bits. Still, he shakes his head, backing out.

He and the one who let him out of the basement lock eyes, a message silently passing before Gerard backs away fully and disappears into the trees.



Any ideas?

This chapter is long over due, but it just kinda took me awhile to get into it. But, once I was, I wrote it all in one shot.

I've been recently blown away by the success of the first book in the Wolf Work and Kitten Play series. I just really wanted to take a moment to thank everyone from the bottom of my little black heart as we approach 30k.

Votes and comments are always appreciated. I'll see you peoples soon!

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