Has no one told you she's not breathing?

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She sobs, pale hand covering her mouth as tears make salty tracks down her cheeks. The gold room spreads around her, the rich colors too bright to see clearly.

A suitcase lays open, the clothing on top scattered and sorted through while the rest is neatly folded and pressed down to make space. It was left open, the only source of evidence besides the wrinkles in the sheets and the blankets on the bed that the space was occupied.

The young woman lets out another gut wrenching sob, shaky hands dropping to run over the clothing inside. She's carful not to upset the neatness of it all, in their positions for so long deep creases line their folds when carefully unraveled and put together again.

Frank and Anthony come down the stairs outside in the hallway slowly, the older twin supported by his younger. Frank limps, a splint wrapped neatly around his ankle. Teeth marks are covered in gauze bandages that crinkle under his thin shirt.

Making their way into the room where Jamia sits, they pause in the door, watching her small form shake in the middle of the room.

"Something's wrong."


Gerard's hazel eyes blink open, brown lashes fluttering across his cheeks in delicate patterns until he's awake enough to gaze up to the canopy of sparse trees that mark the entrance to the forest above.

He breaths slowly, laid on his back and tucked neatly under the same wool blanket from before.

Rustling sounds from the from passenger seat as an beta perks up at his awake. He throws back a hoodie and corresponding pair of sweat pants before jumping out the side of the doorless jeep.

The teen shrugs, pulling the clothing over his head and stepping into the pants to the best of his ability under the blanket.

The grass is cold and wet under Gerard's feet when he jumps down. He wraps the wool around his shoulders, feeling it drag behind him like a cloak.

The beta turns in the forest, shuffling up to Gerard as the omega makes his way up the hill. The Sun hides behind clouds, typical New Jersey weather.

"Erm.......wait...WAIT!" The beta turns Gerard around with a hand on the shoulder. The two meet eyes "I'm under orders to keep you here." He says, straightening under Gerard's stare.

The omega purses his lips, turning without a second glance. He sets off on a quicker pace towards the pack house as it grows over the hill.

The beta sighs, following Gerard.

Unrecognizable faces twist into happy features. Gerard stops and takes in the scene. Around forty people block the entrance to the pack house, shoulder to shoulder as they talk loudly and happily.
Two windows are alight inside. Gerard squints, neck protesting as he looks straight up and does the math inside his head.

His father's office and Lyn-z's room lights are on.

Gerard's not allowed inside.

Sighing, the teen bites the bullet and walks straight into the swarm, bouncing between people.

"STOP HIM!" Gerard gasps, arms grappling around him and pulling him into a soft body.




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