Everything's about to change

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The house is large. Which is a kindergarten observation considering all the big and obnoxious words able in the English language to describe the long corridors and spacious rooms that had been strategically placed together and painted over to make a home.

Walking down this particular hallway reminds Gerard of the movies his human friends would show him in their homes behind his mother's back. Ones about homicidal fathers and dead women in bath tubs. The Iero house's dark wood flooring didn't match the crazy carpet of said movie, upon which a young boy rode his big wheel. But, Gerard is certain he didn't remember the scenes he watched with his friends for the horror, rather the rush he felt laying there knowing he wouldn't be allowed to watch them under any reputable pack supervision.

Omegas shouldn't be exposed to such vile things.

Gerard purses his lips at the memory as he continues in Jamia's path. The comics were always his favorites. The ban on blood only making him want to sneak the colored pages under his parents' noses even more. They made his legs tingle and his eyes sweep the drawings with hunger even more than the average fourteen year old boy does a porn flick. You could say violence was his first love.

Jamia pulls open a door to the left, pushing until it clicks and sticks open after Gerard and Anthony have come in behind her. Light floods from the windows in front them and into the hallway through the open door, merging with more daylight that leaks from uncovered windows and other rooms. Unlike the day of the pack meeting, it seemed no light passage from the outside world was left blocked. It gave the dark hues of the house a warm, open feeling. Gerard guess this is how it usually is. Or maybe it depends on the region of the house. He couldn't really know all too well.

Jamia and Anthony sit down together in a pile of blankets and bean bag chairs that stem off the couch, which in turn ran the right expanse of the room. Opposite to that stands book shelves that veil the left wall. Gerard stays watching them before walking slowly over to the great windows across from himself.

The room seemed to the be towards the back of the house, the glass viewing over the backyard. Down below members of the pack scurry around. It's the first time Gerard sees children speckle the groups of talking people. They all
mull around, easily conversing within each other. Waiting.

"Gee." Anthony murmurs, tossing his head back and smiling crookedly when Gerard sits down next to him. Jamia wraps herself around the omega's back and side, bundling the three of them together in the mess of blankets and cushions around them.

The Iero residence seemed to have no shortage of pillows and other soft furniture. It all packed the big rooms and gave the dark home a cozier atmosphere. Not that it particularly needed it. Gerard feels he could wander around the winding halls and easily find a carpeted floor to sleep his life away on.

"They're bringing the...accused back now." Jamia says to no one in particular.

Gerard lets his head fall back into Anthony's arm, his eyes slipping out of focus as he stares at the book shelves across the room. Each spine a different color, different lettering he didn't care to read depicting every different story. The shelves a big uncoordinated mess of different-ness. So many books stacked inside that whoever put them there started to shove them horizontally in the marginal space above the book and shelf.

What a mouthful.

Gerard sighs when a soft, small hand threads through his hair, pushing the unruly strands off his face. His eyes slip half closed, blurry skin tones mixing with the colors of the room. Gold flecks his vision as a ring of reflected light that graces one of Jamia's fingers.

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