Leave it all behind you

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A blush tints pale skin, spreading like flames down Gerard's presented neck and shoulders. Here, where soft tissue descends down into the dents of his collar bones, his lover places harsh kisses. They pepper the skin like gunfire and when the man above him starts to bite, swirl in his stomach like ocean waves. They crash around angrily, only spurring on the heat that has him squirming into the soft bed, dampening his skin, and forcing whimpers out of his open mouth between heavy breaths.

He was becoming what he hated, stricken by need so strong he's left vulnerable. But the part of Gerard that wasn't scared, the larger part of his brain and heart, told him he was safe pinned under the tattooed hands that held his wrists at his sides.

Gerard opens eyes he didn't know he closed, staring into molten honey. Irises swirl hypnotically with the mischief you'd find in children. He's beautiful, and oh so controlling, consuming the sixteen year old's scenes, telling that reluctant part of him that he was safe under the other, calming the angry voice with muttered words and kisses.

The omega tries to respond, licking his lips and yearning to make sense with all the hormones that swarm the dark room. His words are slurred and airy, being shushed by his alpha. Gerard feels his shaking legs be cupped and pulled over shoulders. He shivers uncontrollably, moaning out as...

"Come on baby boy." The teen opens his eyes quickly, biting his lip harshly as he's met with the same eyes that haunted him in sleep. They crinkle at the corners as Frank smiles, pushing clumps of black hair behind Gerard's ears. The omega follows the fingers with his eyes, watching the ink there stretching only slightly with the actions.

He's spread across the couch in the alpha's office. Anthony fiddles with the security panel on the opposing wall to Gerard and Frank, his back turned to them. The fireplace is unlit, and the big desk looks completely vacant of the papers and folders and the other miscellaneous things that once cluttered the surface in organized chaos. The lights are out, the room illuminated by the rising sun.

The whole room has an eerie feel to it, and Gerard is unused to it being so dark, cold and empty.

"How'd you sleep? You came back from the woods pretty late last night." Frank mutters as he helps Gerard sit up.

"Fine." The teen's voice quiet. "What's going on?"

"We're heading out for a pack meeting." Anthony murmurs, pressing more buttons on the panel and sighing when he doesn't get the results he wants.

"P-pack." Gerard whispers, looking from the younger twin's back to Frank's eyes. Gerard's own look lost, confused. He's never had a pack.


They're in the same Jeep as before. A beta coming round the outside of the dark McCracken house and beeping the horn once to signal Frank that they have to leave.

Inside the house, Gerard shivers. He doesn't know if it's from the cold or his own raging thoughts. Anthony comes up behind him from where he stands near the stairwell's large mouth. Gerard lets himself be dressed in a winter coat and hat, smiling softly as Anthony takes his own blue and gray stripped scarf. It now sits around the younger's neck, relaying his breath back into his face. It makes Gerard feel better all the same.

Frank rains down the stairs with quiet steps, meeting the two at the bottom.

"Come on then." He murmurs, his own green and silver scarf swaying from where it hung mindlessly on his neck. The knitted piece cascading down over his chest, making it the only pop of color he's warn since...well since Gerard had seen him ever dressed.

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