I can't pretend that I can even stomach your face.

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Estella grinds her teeth, one hand busy jamming a misshapen key into its corresponding slot. Metal clangs against metal as she slips off course again, hand shaking. The soft clicks are drowned out by Gerard's screams and cries, her other white hand buried in his hair.

He chokes, nose dripping red into the plush carpet beneath them. The stairs dig into his knees and back, head throbbing as he works to pry Estella's hand out of his hair.

Ivory would be cleaning his blood off the stairs in the morning.

She sighs as the door gives way, dragging Gerard, who scrambles to find footing, up into the room at the top of the stairs.

Gerard sniffs, eyes watering as Estella drops him, some of his black strands staying wrapped around her fingers. She locks the door, slipping the key into a pocket.

The room spins, Gerard's vision spotting as he stares at a white ceiling. His head throbs from when Estella had slammed him face down into her desk and dragged him by the hair. Mei continues to fold clothes on the couch and Ryan works in the kitchen, both of them unfazed by the screams.

He sniffs, blood starting to dry on his face, cracking when he squints. His teeth speckle red, the back of his throat scratchy and raw.

A blurry Estella floats into his view, swimming in black locks. Her cheekbones poke through paper-thin skin, eyes in the back of her head and reflecting no light.

She's every horror trope come to life, oily black hair fluffing up in tufts around her. Estella reaches down, a big-knuckled hand prodding at Gerard's face. The dried blood under his nose cracks as his skin pulls.

He blinks, head throbbing. Red nails scratch at his fleshy arms, blood beading at the veins. Estella licks her fingers and pulls a sour face.

"Your fucking bullshit fake prescription. Poison in your veins. Poison, poison, poison," She whispers to herself, voice growing hoarse and far away.

Gerard listens to her kick her heels off, limping deeper into the room and leaving him on the floor. His new cuts sting, infected blood pooling in the hinge of his arm and staining the carpet.

Estella fusses over notebooks and papers and vials at the other side of the room, body wobbling. She wheezes and slaps a large pile of used journals over, 1954 and 1947 thudding on the ground. Gerard sits up as she wobbles and crashes to the ground behind his back, pulling things with her. Estella lets out a hollow wheeze, rolling over.

Gerard silently pads over, heart jackhammering against his ribs. He remains emotionless as Estella screams out for Ryan, fangs poking over her lips with need. Steady footsteps start up downstairs.

The key is ice cold in Gerard's hand as he pulls it out of Estella's pocket, her hands grasping out after him, catching the wrist of the hand with the key. Gerard grabs a red nail and bends her finger back, turning and rising as she claws at his heels.

Ryan stops his climb up at the stairs at the sight of Gerard at the top. The older doesn't say anything, Estella wailing as he closes the door on Ryan, locking it from the inside.

Gerard leans against the door and slides down it. Estella gurgles, weak and face down on the ground. Her hair masks her face, one eye peeking out to stare back at Gerard. He swallows, stomach jumping as he takes in her skeletal form, curves deflating back down and red eyes pulsing.

Ryan's steps echo back down the stairs.



Seriously, to those of you who have stuck around with my bullshit, I'm forever grateful.

My profile has had a surplus of attention as of recent, and I know there's a bunch of you who are new here. Hi, I'm a certified mess. I was thrown off the writing horse a little while ago and I'm pushing myself to finish this story so I can start fresh.


So, I know this was short and confusing. But, what did you guys think?

Votes and comments are ALWAYS appreciated. I'll see you peoples soon!

BelongingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ