Chapter 18

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Me: Jeunguk

Meanie: yeah not me

Me: what

Meanie: but that cat thing was CRUEL

Meanie: I was terrified

Meanie: but I'm not a girl like Jeunguk

Meanie: poor Jinhong

Meanie: I'll have to ask if his arms are okay, his fan club won't be pleased

Me: ur a friend of Jinhong's?

Me: Imma ask him who he knows

Meanie: the whole school

Meanie: he's just as popular as you

Meanie: how can't you be with a face like that

Me: woah woAH WHAT

Me: why do you like him and not me?

Me: I thought you hated populars

Meanie: Jinhong's nice

Me: so am i

Meanie: ur lazy

Meanie: you should help ur project partner more

Me: Youngjae?

Me: he doesn't need my help he's the smartest in the class, you should know that

Me: I feel like I'm a hindrance to him when I try and help out

Meanie: look at u using long words

Meanie: u go girl

Meanie: but I'm sure he doesn't feel that way

Me: ok

Me: OH

Me: I was gonna ask you if you were free on 13 May

Me: it's my sister's wedding and i want you to come with me

Me: Pleaasssseeee

Me: you have to let me know who you are by then

Meanie: sorry

Meanie: I can't go

Me: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 please I really want you there

Meanie: I've already got an event that day

Meanie: sorry

Wrong Number // DaeJaeWhere stories live. Discover now