Chapter 22

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Desperate: not to be creepy or anything but I've actually made a list of everyone in our biology class

Desperate: I'm slowly crossing people off

Meanie: I'm scared

Meanie: for lots of reasons

Desperate: Chanyeol ✖
Wonho ✖
Kyungsoo ✖
Hyuk ✖
Myungsoo ✖
Jinhong ✖
Jeunguk ✖
Taeyang ✖
Kyung ✖
Changgu ✖
Hongseok ✖
Ten ✖

Desperate: there are very few left

Desperate: BE AFRAID


Meanie: believe me I am

Meanie: why are so many crossed off?

Desperate: because they're popular

Desperate: although I did consider the fact you could be Jinhong as he's not exactly modest

Meanie: I'm not

Meanie: but I'm a member of his fanclub

Desperate: I'll be getting a list of their members then

Desperate: just call me Sherlock cuz I've got this shit handled

Meanie: wow

Desperate: u don't seem worried

Meanie: idk

Meanie: I feel like I should be but I'm not

Meanie: maybe cuz I'm used to these threats and i can't be bothered to keep dodging them

Meanie: besides, Its nearly 13 May and then we'll both be far away from each other so you'll have to give up your detective work Holmes

Desperate: I'm still bummed about the fact u can't come with me

Meanie: my mother's friends need me more than you

Desperate: what about my sister

Meanie: ask Sunyoul

Desperate: I WOULD

Desperate: but he blocked my number because I tried to lyric prank him

Meanie: HA

Meanie: that's your fault then

Meanie: ask Wonho

Desperate: no way am I asking Wonhoe

Desperate: besides he'll probably be busy with Hyungwon

Meanie: I'm sure 😏

Meanie: Myungsoo? Johnny? Taeyang? Changgu? I THOUGH YOU HAD LOTS OF FRIENDS ???

Desperate: it won't be the same without you

Meanie: sure

Meanie: I'd love to accompany a clingy af weirdo like yourself to a wedding

Desperate: really

Meanie: nO

Desperate: savage 😥

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