Chapter 3

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1 month. 4 weeks. 31 days.

I've been in the Williams house for a month and I'm still not used to it. Some nights I dream about going home but I wake up and realize that that's never gonna happen because I don't have a home anymore.

I've cried and cried.

But now all my tears have been used up and I honestly don't think I can cry anymore.


I have to start school on Monday and let's just say I'm not to happy. I used to like school but now it's just a hell hole. I would have to go to school with Jaxon and that's definitely making it worse. Over the past month he's been rude and horrible. He doesn't think about anyone but himself. After that night at dinner he never bothered being nice again. He usually just ignored my presence or makes snide comments to me.

Like I said. 'He's an ass'.

I looked over at my beeping phone on my bed and saw that the time was almost 5. I had to go to school tomorrow.
So I should probably go to bed around 8. I'll get food now and maybe draw until then.
I got off my bed and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a granola bar and a water bottle from the fridge.
" Eating healthy isn't going to make you loose any weight you know" Jaxon's arrogant voice interrupted my peacefulness.
Of course he had to ruin my one moment of joy. Eating.
" Well some guys like them chubby" I smiled and took a bite out of my granola bar. He didn't look at me and just pulled a Monster out of the fridge.
" And when are you gonna get a guy?" he scoffed and took a swig. He made my blood boil. I just wanted to punch his stupid pretty face.
" Some people like being single Jaxon. " I finished my food and took a sip out of my water.
Jaxon just chuckled a little and walked closer to me, making me back up against the corner.

He was really close. My back hit the cold marble and I swallowed hard. He watched my every move as he reached above my head and grabbed a cup from the cabinet.

God did he smell like heaven.
I'm gonna be completely honest, I can't feel my legs. Everything tingles. He stepped away from me leaving my weak knees and clammy body.
Good lord does he know how to make a girl feel weak.

Me being the dumbass I am decided to say something to cover up my nervousness.
" You know you could be nice person and move, but knowing you your probably just gonna stand there and be an ass" Jaxon didn't back far away but he did smirk his cocky little smirk and I just wanted to smack it away.

" You like it "

I laughed at him, maybe a little to hard but it was hilarious that he would actually think that! He is just- so ughhh! Just imagine my frustration.

" Like what!? You being up in my personal space and stinking up my bubble! You're funny." I moved over to the other side of the counter and leaned against it, putting my weight on one foot and popping my hip out a little. I saw Jaxon look over at me then look away quickly as if he didn't just try to check me out.

He's trying to be a sneaky little bastard!

I finished off the water and walked towards the sink. " I'm going for a run I'll be back later" I said and filled up my water bottle. I walked out the kitchen door and headed upstairs to change.


After an hour and thirty minutes of running you can say I was exhausted. I ran around the entire block , which is massive, at least 4 times. I swear I'm an idiot for wanting to try and be fit!

I walked up the front steps and greeted Roger and a maid he was with along the way. I shed my shirt and was left in running pants and and a tank. I wasn't really paying attention to the world around me with my music blaring in my ears. I just sighed and headed to the kitchen and got more water.

I took one earbud out and headed toward the steps but was stopped by an unfamiliar voice.

" Who's that Jax? " I turned my head to see 3 boys including Jaxon all sitting on the couch in the living room. They all stared at me and I suddenly felt self conscious. Especially with Jaxon eyeing me up and down, practically eye raping me.

It wasn't just him either! All of his little friends were doing it to! Jeez!

" That's just Evangelina. Don't bother with her" He looked away from me and leaned back against the couch, looking at something on his phone.
I waved and took out the other earbud.

" You didn't tell us a girl would be here, let alone a hot one! " Dude number 2 said.

Hey I don't know names here I had to think of something!

" Man Jax where have you been keeping her!?" Dude number 2 said and Dude number 3 just had a slack jaw.

" He hasn't been keeping me anywhere. I'm not with him. I stay here. " All the guys looked at Jaxon and he just shrugged. He looked up from his phone at the guys and continued.
" She's just staying a while. Some family died "

My entire body tensed. I couldn't believe he just told them like it was there business to know! It wasn't even his business in the first place. I wasn't just going to let him sit there nonchalantly. 

" Who the hell gives you the right to tell them about me? " The boys and Jaxon looked at me , surprised at my comment. 

" They're my friends it doesn't really matter Evangelina, stop over reacting." This boy just wanted to be smacked!

" I don't care if they're freaking Jesus! That is my business! You don't get to tell people that I'm alone! You don't get to tell people that I've lost everything. Thats none of your damn business. " Everyone was looking at me and Jaxon looked disappointed. Probably at himself.

I didn't want to deal with them anymore so I ran up the steps and found solitary in my quiet room.

He didn't have the right to just bring it up like that. And the way he said it was just so careless, it's like it didn't even matter.

Living with Mr. Bad BoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin