Chapter 22

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I really didn't understand the whole dance thing. Yes we all go there to have fun but whats really the point? If you don't have a date, aka me, and you are going with your friends who have dates, not me, then pretty much your just going to be looked at my drunk, hormonal boys who I don't even know. And the whole dress shopping think before the dance!? Can't I just go in a hoodie and jeans and not uncomfortable heels and a stupidly tight dress.

" No you cannot Evangelina I won't let you!" Nora stated as if she had read my thoughts. It probably helped that I was eyeing a suspiciously tight little black dress.

" But w-"

No!" Saura and Nora said at the same time. Sometimes I swear they share a mind. It's a little freaky.

" Fine but I'm not wearing that. I'm not a stripper named Candy. "  Nora sighed at me, frustrated that I had turned down literally everything they had shown me. I leaned against the comfy chair in the dressing room as I watched my two friends go through piles and piles of dresses.

" Come on you have to a pick one! The dance is 2 months away!" Saura's hands flopped to her sides the one hand on her hip. She cocked her head side ways then her eyes went wide. She had an idea.

" NORA!" Nora followed as I stayed in my seat wondering which dress they could pull out that could possibly be worse then the last 5 million. When they came back they only had one dress in their hands. IT was a beautiful red and it was lacy and long. IT looked like something I wouldn't mind wearing. Saura held it up long ways and smiled at me.

" It think this fits you perfectly Nora agrees" Nora nodded her head vigurously. I sighed and reached for it. IT wouldn't hurt to try it on at least.

The dress was stunning. It had a sweet heart neckline and off the shoulder sleeves. It was fitted to my waist and hugged me to about my knee caps. the rest was long a slowly, like a mermaids tail.

I love it.

I walked out of the changing room and gave a small twirl for my squealing best friends.

" I really like it. It's a little tight for my liking but, I really do like it" They high fives each other and turned back to me, I couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

" Our work here is complete. "


I left the bag with the dress hanging on my bathroom door. I flatted it out and smiled before turning around to the bathroom mirror. I looked a mess but who cares. It's not like I was trying to impress anyone. Deciding of it, I pulled my hair into a messy bun and pinned it to stay. securely on my head.

The other door cracked opened and Jaxon in all of his glory walked in. Thank goodness he wasn't shirtless. I honestly don't think I could handle it.

He turned the faucet on and started to brush his teeth. HE glanced at me but was quick to look away like it didn't happen. We haven't really talked a lot since the kiss and all. I wish we do but we don't and it's slowly killing me but I just have to deal with it.

HE wiped his mouth off with toweled and turned to me.

" You should go." His voice startled me. I wasn't expecting him to say anything.

" What?" I laid down the rag in my hand from washing my face.

" The date with Thomas? You should say yes to him and go." I put a hand on the counter and leaned on it putting most of my support on my hand then on my feet.

" What If I don't want to?" HE scoffed. What could he possibly say to make me go to this.And why did he want me to go so bad anyways?

" You should go anyways. Thomas is a good guy." I stared at him. I really didn't want to talk about this with him but I had a feeling he wasn't going to let it go.

" I'm not going Jaxon." HE looked at me and stepped closer. His body was at least a lot away from mine and I could feel his heat radiating off his body. My hand gripped the counter harder hoping it would keep my legs from failing me and wobbling. I couldn't show him that this affected me.

" Why Sunshine? " I wallowed the lump in my throat that had been building up.

" B-because Jaxon" MY voice stuttered and I mentally cursed my stupid nervous mouth.

Jaxon stepped a couple inches closer. MY breathed picked up as I could feel his minty one fan across my face.

" You didn't answer me Evangelina." Evangelina. He never uses my full name.

" Jaxon-" HE cut me off.

" Come on. It can't be because he's a jerk because that's not true. I really don't understand why you won't. HE's- " I cut him off. I snapped. HE was pushing me to date someo there guy and I dint want to.

" You." He was clueless. His bleached sapphire eyes looked at me with curiosity . He had no clue what I was saying and I don't know if I really wanted him to.

" You. Jaxon. It's because of you.  " His hand came up to the counter and held on right beside my hand, slowly to where I could fell his warm tan skin against mine.

" Why?" Was all he said. Not some long stupid remark like he usually had but just a simple why. He didn't have smirk on his face or a grin, he just looked like he was a little bit broken and fixed all at the same time. He looked like he had so many questions and he wanted all the answers in that moment.

" I turned out liking you a lot more than I had originally planned." And for the first time in weeks, Jaxon gave me a genuine small smile. It wasn't some big flashy grin but It counted as something.

He took his hand and slid it onto the side of my face. I leaned into his embrace and look up at him, my brown eyes meting his gorgeous blue ones. HE looked at me and I felt something in the pit of my stomach that I have never felt before. I don't know how to explain it but I felt like I was going to pass out. But then his hand on my cheeks and his arm around my waist and his face close to mine brought me back to what was happening. HE was so close.

He looked at me one more time before closing the space between us.

He kissed me like he was drowning and I was air.

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