Chapter 26

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Jaxon's POV

My hand hurt from banging on the door so hard. But I had to try. I had to get her to open the damn door.

" Evangelina." I begged. I don't ever beg. Ever. I'm not that kind of guy. I have girls begging for my attention left and right. But Lina was different. She didn't beg for my attention, she made me want hers.

" Please." I pleaded again. I could hear her sniffling in her bedroom and it made my heart tug a little. She made me feel different. Different then any other girl made me feel. She made me soft. I never had the chance to be soft, I was always bloody knuckles and broken glass. I wanted people to be afraid of hurting me

Afraid of me.

But I don't want Lina to be afraid of me. I want her to feel safe and happy when she's around me. But I hurt people to much for her to feel like that.

The door handle jiggled and I got hopeful. The lock clicked and it started to creak open. I put my hand against the door and opened it more.

There Lina stood. Her beautiful brown eyes were red and puffy. Tears stained her rosy cheeks.

She stared at me, her plump lips pouted a little. It made me way to kiss them.

Now is not the time Jaxon.

Seeing how hurt she was made me feel horrible. I wanted to grab onto her tiny waist and hold her until she was okay.

" What Jaxon?" Her voice was breaking, probably from crying.

" I'm sorry" I couldn't manage to say anything else. That was all my fucking mouth could manage to get out. I usually know what I'm gonna say but of course the one time I really need to say something good nothing comes out.

" Your sorry?" I could see her clench her jaw. I could see how pissed she was. I went to reach out for her but she back away.

" Don't touch me. I don't want slut on me. " Ouch. That kind of hurt.

" Lina I really am sorry. She was the one who kissed me. You walked in before I could push her off!" It was the truth. IT might not have looked like it was but that was the truth.

" Really? So she just magically pushed herself onto you with her shirt off and your hands on her waist and her hands in your hair!" By this time her voice was raised and tears were running down her face. I tired to step forward but she gave a warning look and stepped back.

" Yes! Someone told me to do something so I went to the classroom to get it! Bethany was in there with her shirt off and she pushed herself on me. I was trying to push her off when you walked in! Her hands were in my hair, yes because when I tried to pul away she held on tighter. I tried Sunshine I really tried. " I tried to plead with her. Her eyes were glassed over and she looked like she wanted to punch me.

" Don't call me that." My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Did she not believe me? How was I supposed to get her to?

" Sunshine plea-" She started to close the door but I put my foot in-between it. I pushed the door open and she just stared at me. She squeezed her eyes shut and ran her hand through her long dark brown hair. A pice of her hair fell into her face and I wanted so badly to push it back away from her eyes. But I didn't. I really didn't want her punching me, kicking me in the nuts.

" Get the hell out Jaxon." I was surprised by her words. Stung a little I had to admit, but I listened.

" Okay. " I moved my foot without breaking eye contact. She sniffled before looking down at the ground and closing the door in my face. I stared at the white door and finally told myself that she wanted to be alone.

I laid on my bed, staring at my ceiling fan. I watched it spin as did my thoughts. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. The complete silence allowing my thoughts to spin in my head and not shut up.

I'm in my bed. And she's in her bed.

One of us is in the wrong place.

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