Chapter 30

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I didn't sleep at all last night.

My eyes were droopy but they never closed. My head was plagued with night terrors and not just the usual ones. I tossed and turned and never got comfortable. At one point in the night I even got up and walked toward Jaxon's room. Thinking about going in there seeing if he could help, but instead I decided it wasn't a smart idea. I turned around and went back to laying in bed staring at the fan enveloped in my thoughts.

My alarm knocked me out of my hypnotic stare. I reached over and slammed my hand down on my phone. I looked over at the time and let out a sigh.


I sat up from my bed and pulled my grey comforter off of my legs. I walked over to my closet and pulled out an outfit and started to get ready.

While I walked down the steps I finished pinning putting my hair into a messy bun, some of the tendrils fell beside my face. I didn't bother putting on any makeup and I just wore something simple, a black loose T ripped jeans and a Burgundy cardigan. It was starting to get a little chilly outside and plus it was freezing in the school so I wore the cardigan for my benefit.

As I made my way to the kitchen Island I noticed that there were only one pair of keys left on the rack.

Jaxon's keys.

I looked down at my watch.

It was only 7 he would still be here until 7:15.

I sighed and tried to rid myself of thoughts about him. I pulled out the Reece's Puffs, my favorite cereal, and poured them in a bowl with milk. I sat dow at the bar and began eating and flipping through social media while doing so.

When I was finished I put my bowl into the sink and turned around to grab my phone, but I didn't realize that someone was behind me.

" Oh-" I backed away quickly, my back hitting the sink. Neither of us said anything. I stared at the floor but I could feel his eyes burning holes in my body.

" I-I'm sorry. I didn't hear you come down the steps and-" I rambled on but not for very much longer he cut me off.

" It's fine. It wasn't your fault anyways." I felt a blush creep its way up my neck and onto my cheeks.

I shouldn't be feeling this way. I need to get ahold of my self. He doesn't like me.

Before I could embarrass my self more, I pulled up my cardigan which had fallen over my shoulder, and started to walk away murmuring that I had to leave for school.

" Lina" My head lifted from its position and look at Jaxon for the first time this morning. He stared at me for a few moments, his mouth slightly open and his eye wider than usual. It looked as if he wanted to say something but couldn't figure out if it was the right choice to say it or not.

" Yea?" My voice was barely a whisper but he still heard. He was still staring at me like a deer in head lights. Then after a few short seconds his face regained his normal composure and he ran a had through his hair.

" Never mind." In my mind I yelled at him to say something but my mouth only said "Okay" and my legs let me walk away.

I hadn't seen Nora or Saura all day. I only saw Wyatt in the hall walking with Ollie, no Danny or Jaxon. they all must have been doing something. It was only third period so it wasn't that strange that I hadn't seen them yet.

The bell rang and I stood up from my desk. I walked out into the crowded halls, trying not to shove people out of the way. By the time I made it to my locker I had 5 minutes to get to class so I had to hurry. I quickly grabbed my English textbook and ran to class. I noticed a teacher standing out in the hallway waiting for her other students and she raised an eyebrow.

" No running in the hallway please." I smiled and apologized and continue walking down the hallway. Notice how I said walking, cuz to be honest that lady looked like a dragon and I don't think getting on the bad side of the dragon lady was a good Idea. I looked back and she had gone into her classroom, closing the door. The second she did I sprinted toward my class a few doors down, making it seconds before the bell rang.

Mr. Holloway looked at me from above his glasses.

" You were almost last Miss. Rocklin." I sat down in my seat a little breathless." And were you running in the halls?" Crap. Think of a lie, think, think, think.

" I was in the classroom before the bell rang, Mr.Holloway, and I didn't know that walking fast was called running?" His slid his glasses up his nose again and looked down at his papers before standing up and turning towards the board and writing the assignment. It was easy I could get it done in 10 minutes tops and have study hall! I pulled out my textbook and began working on it.


It took e five minutes longer than I had anticipated but I got it done. Most of the kids were still working so I grabbed my book bag to pull out my history work. I rummaged through my bag before I realized I left it in my locker.

" Crap" I muttered myself, low enough to where I only heard it. I raised my hand and waited for the teacher to see it. My arm got tired the second I put it up. I really need to work out. After at least 5 minutes, okay maybe like one but it sure felt like five, he finally looked up from his desk.

" Yes Miss Rocklin?" He didn't seem to happy that I was interrupting his work.

" I left a book in my locker may I go and get it?" He nodded his head and I let out a sigh of relief. My chair scraped the floor and I rushed to the door before he could change his mind. HE looked like he changed his mind a lot and I wanted to get my stuff so I didn't want to chance it so I jogged towards the door.

He didn't notice.

The cold breeze of the hallway caught me off guard. I tightened my sweater and I walked down the hall, my converses making no noise. I made my way to my locker and began unlocking before something loud made my ears ring.

It was like a broom way snapping in half but magnifies by ten. I covered my ears and looked through the hallway. No one was there, then I realized.

That was a gun.

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