Chapter 8

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It wasn't the chirping of the birds or the sun shining brightly through my windows that woke me up.
It was the feeling of my body being entangled with another body. I opened my eyes and looked at Jaxon's  handsome face.
We were so close. I could see every little detail. How he had freckles that littered his nose and below his eyes. A small scar right above his eye, but it was barely noticeable. HIs perfect shaped his lips. HIs crystal baby blue eyes.

Wait. Sh#t he caught me staring.

" It's okay Sunshine I know I'm good looking."

And there goes that moment. Out of the window at 90 mph. I pushed myself out of his arms and slid off the bed. I didn't want him to know that I actually liked being in his arms.

He groaned and rolled off the bed.

" You know you kick and punch in your sleep? It hurts like a b#tch!" He rubbed a rib and ran a hand through his perfect tossed brown hair.

Your killing me.

" I'm going to get ready for school. Do you need a ride?" I was shell shocked. He was actually asking me if I needed a ride! He was actually being nice.

" Hmm" I nodded my head and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. HE walked out of the room and I heard his door shut. I let out a sigh and leaned against the wall.


" Everybody packed?" Saura asked and everyone nodded their heads. We were currently hanging out in the parking lot of the school.

" Jax you can swing by Lina's house and you guys can get your stuff since she lives right there." Jaxon let out a small laugh then covered it with a cough. The irony of this situation. I covered my mouth from laughing myself and he nodded.

" Yea it definitely not out of my way." His eyes gleamed with amusement. It was the first time I've seen him smile all day and I was glad. He had a very handsome smile and I wouldn't mind seeing it everyday.

Everyone parted and went our separate ways. I hoped into Jaxon's ' corvette. (Yea he had this expensive thing and a Harley!!!) I closed the door as he started the ignition. I reached forward and turned on the music. I hummed along as we drove down the road.

" We aren't taking my car down there. " His voice made me look at him, my eyebrows raised.
" Oliver just got a jeep so I'm gonna drive that. It's pretty big. Enough to fit all of us.

I nodded and looked back out the window. I didn't really mind just as long as I wasn't in the car alone with Luc for 3 hours.

We finally arrived at the house and I went inside while Jax turned off the car. I went up to my room and grabbed my stuff.

I met him in the hall as he carried his stuff. 1 duffel bag and a book bag.
" Do you really need that much sh*t for a week?" He said referring to my 2 bags. I shrugged and smiled.

"Not really but Nora face timed me while packing and made sure I brought all this.... crap. " His lips twitched up a little. I couldn't help but smile a little myself.

" Come on we better get going they are probably already waiting on us" I nodded my head in agreement and we began walking downstairs.

By the time we had packed up the two cars( Oliver and Wyatt deciding to take another car because of the luggage) and all loaded ourselves into them we were exhausted. It's a funny thing how the body can get tired out so quickly.

Jaxon was going to be driving Halfway there and then Danny was going to be driving the rest. But I'm not really sure if I trust him driving us. It's quite scary if you ask me. I sat in the back with Nora and Saura and Danny sat in the passengers seat.  We all got comfortable and began driving.

" So how long do you think it'll take us to get there?" I asked, watching cars zip pass us.

Jaxon was the one who answered my question surprisingly. " About 2 hours at most"
That's not too long. I don't want to be cramped in this car for hours. Especially with Nora's snoring.
Jaxon went back to driving and Dan and Nora were asleep. Saura listened to her music and I just looked at the passing world. I couldn't help but let my eyes drop a little. And soon I fell asleep to the soft sound of Jaxon's hum and the humming of the engines outside my window.

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