Chapter 38

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" You are?" Was all my stupid mouth could spit out. Of course I could only think of two dumb words when the guy I'm in love with admits that he's in love with me too!

" Hell yea Sunshine." His hands cupped my cheek and I could feel tears threatening to fall. Tears of joy.

" Thank God because I'm so in love with you it hurts." I laughed as tears fell down my face and he wiped them away with his thumbs. He chuckled a little and placed a kiss on my forehead then letting me wrap my arms around his neck.

" I've imagined telling you so many times. I've spent hours thinking of the words I would say to you but no combination of twenty six letters could perfectly capture even a sliver of what I feel for you. " I let it a breathless and teary laugh. Before I could say much more his hands went around my head and he leaned in.
I could taste my salty tears but I didn't care. All I wanted to taste was his lips on mine.

His soft lips finally touched mine and we both smiled into the kiss. It was like fireworks were going off in my stomach and everywhere he touched it was set on fire. This kiss wasn't fierce and harsh like our other ones. This one was slow and gentle and passionate.

Everything a girl could ever hope for.

" But " My brows furrowed as he pulled away. I didn't want him to but I knew we needed to talk about other things.
" I need you to tell me everything. I need to know." I sighed and leaned back. Was I really going to tell him everything?


" We can start with my name. " I cleared my throat and looked down at my hands again.

" Your name isn't -?" I shook my head.

" My real name is Alexandria Amalia Ivanov. " I didn't use my American accent. If I was going to tell him the truth he had to know everything. My accent wasn't heavy but you could tell I had one. I had used my American accent so much it just kind of disappeared. I don't know how but it did.

" Y-You're Russian? " I could see the shock in his eyes. His bright blues were widened and he looked lost. I nodded my head.

" I moved to California when I was 10 with my adoptive parents, along with my brother Vladimir. My real parents had put us in protective custody when I was 4 and Vlad was 1. I never knew why they put us there but my adoptive parents always told me that it was a damn good reason. "
Jaxon was sitting on the bed now leaning against the bottom railing.

" I never really knew my real parents so when I was put with Thomas and Leah I just kind of adapted. They were more my parents then anyone else. I moved in with them in Moscow and they began to raise me and my brother. Then we moved here. I didn't know the reason I was little so I didn't really question it. We started our lives about an hour away and I didn't have any clue what was really going on. "
My throat was dry and my head hurt. But I didn't stop. He needed to know.

Jaxon reaches beside the bed and handed me a glass of water. I smiled gently at him and took a sip. I coughed a little and Jax immediately took the glass from my hands. I shook my head and cleared my throat. Worry clouded his eyes.
" I'm okay." I said before fixing my pillows behind my back.

" Where was I? " I tried to remember. " Oh yea. So we moved I didn't understand the significance than that. I was 10 so I knew more Russian than I did English so I homeschooled for a little while then got sent to a real school. Where I met Ivan. " Jax tensed at the name. He remembered him from the dinner.

" I remember him. Ex right?" I nodded and his jaw clenched.

" Anyways I instantly clicked with Ivan because he knew Russian too and I thought that I could have a friend who understood me. I was happy. For a little while at least. When I was around 16, my parents told me that Vlad and I were adopted. I was so angry with them. I broke the TV and glass coffee table."

I chuckled a little. Jaxon had both his eyebrows raised and he had an amused smile playing on his lips.

" I ended up leaving and spending the night at Ivan's house. " He tensed and I knew what he thought. " I was angry and I didn't know who to turn to and Ivan was there. I ended up sleeping with him. I don't know why the hell I even did but it just happened."

Jaxons fist clenched and unclenched But his face remained calm. I'm still surprised he hasn't said anything.

" I went home eventually. I got a firm yelling at and they told me that wasn't all. Vlad, who was 13 at the time, was surprisingly calm during all this. It didn't shock him as much as it shocked me. Anyways besides the point.
My dad told us that the reason we left Moscow was because someone who worked for my biological parents was after us. They didn't go into detail but I understood that we could be in danger. I needed to be more careful and watch out for Vladimir. And That's exactly what I was going to do. Last year, we all were going to the mall. Someone had called my mom and told her to get us out of the house for a couple hours. So being the protective parents they were we all headed to the mall.

" I remember we had been driving for about fifteen minutes and we started to drive on a giant bridge that Vlad loved. The next thing I knew the car was upside down and I couldn't breathe. There was smoke from the fire that stared up front. Vlad was unconscious and my dad was just dangling there. " my voice was cracking and my breathing was getting faster.

I could see every little detail in my head.

" You don't have to-" I shook my head hard. Jax's hand was on my knee.

" No. " I swallowed hard and continued " My mom was halfway out of the car. I couldn't see much of her but what I did see was blood. Lots and lots of blood. I tried to get out but I heard voices so I stopped. There was about 3 men outside of the window and I screamed for helped but the didn't help. They just stared at me and my family.

Then they pushed the car off the side of the bridge and into the water. We sunk so fast. I could feel the water in my lungs, burning and aching. "

" Your nightmares" he stared and I looked at him. I nodded. It didn't take much for him to notice this. I wake up screaming gasping for air, I'm not surprised he put the pieces together.

" Yea. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't know how and-" His lips stopped me from rambling more. It was a short kiss but much needed. All my fears were instantly wiped away and I knew it was going to be okay.

" It's okay. I understand. There are somethings I haven't told you either." Now I'm very very interested. What secrets did he have? What did he lie about? Or did he even lie?

" It's not a big thing like yours but I just felt that you should know. " I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. I played with his chestnut hair and he closed his eyes for a second before opening them. I hadn't realized that they had gone a darker color.

" Is it bad?" HE shook his head a smiled a little.

" No but it's sad. If you don't wa-" I placed my IV hand over his mouth and his eyes filled with instant amusement.

" You let me tell you my story so now I want to hear yours."

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