Chapter 19

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" What?" Was all I could manage to utter out of my stupid slow mouth. Jaxon just stared at me with those beautiful baby blues.

Stop fawning over the stupid boy and get a grip.

But I couldn't get a grip. Here he was standing if front of me saying he didn't want to forget one of the most intimate moments we have ever had. The only moment!

" You heard me." He wasn't laughing or even smiling this time. He was completely serious.

Oh god.

" I did but I think my ears are a little broke would you mind repeating or is there a problem?." But he didn't.

" The problem is" he said as he leaned in " I want to kiss you but I don't think I would be able to stop"

" Then don't stop"

He closed the space between us and brought his lips to meet mine. And god did it feel so good.

I should have pushed him away but I didn't. I kissed him back and let our bodies intertwine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his wrapped around my waist. My hands were in his hair.
His unbelievably soft hair.

His hands wandered to the hem of my shirt and his fingers snuck under a little, tickling my sides. I couldn't help but let out a little moan.

I hadn't realized me were so close the the wall until he had hoisted me up. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. He left my lips and kissed a path down my jawline and onto my neck.

This can't happen. Not right now. He doesn't know what he's doing. He doesn't want this.

" Jaxon" His name came out breathy and quiet. He didn't look at me. He led his way back up to my lips and continued kissing me.

" Jaxon. We have to stop" I said against his lips and he finally heard me. He leaned his forehead against mine as we both gasped for breath.

" Fuck" was all he said. His hands were above my head supporting him against the wall. We were both breathing heavy.

"We shouldn't hav-" i didn't get to finish.

He slammed his hand against the wall, making me jump a little.

He pushed off the wall and stormed out of the room, slamming my door then his. I could here something in his room crashing to the ground and the sound of glass breaking.
I closed my eyes and squeezed them hard. I couldn't help but sliding down the wall and bring my hand to my swollen face.

What the hell had we just done?

I was already changed and ready for bed when my door slightly opened. I don't know why but everything in me wanted it to Jaxon.

But it wasn't.

Emmy peaked her little head in and smiled at me. I smiled back at her.

" Hi Em. What's up?" She opened the door a little more and I could see her dolly 'Caroline ' .

" Mommy and Daddy want you and Jaxy downstairs." I nodded and said okay. She smiled a last goodbye and ran towards Jaxon's room.

I heard him grumble and groan as his sister talked to him. Eventually his door shut and Em ran off. I opened my door and walked out, Hoping not to bump into Jaxon.

Things are going to be so complicated now.

Once I had mad it down the steps and into the kitchen I took a seat at the bar. I said Hi to Mr. and Mrs. Williams and we waited for Jaxon.
Which surprisingly wasn't much longer.
Rosey clapped her hands together and looked at me and Jax. He was just as confused as I was, yet he wouldn't look at me.

He probably regretted what he did.
He probably realized that he hated it and that I was a bad kisser.

" So! George and I are going on a vacation! " Jaxon raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

" Are you taking Emmy?" Was the only question he had. He didn't say anything else. Or do anything else.
Mr. Williams nodded and Jaxon sighed. He pulled out his phone, looking bored.

" How long will you guys be gone?" I asked and Rosey smiled.

" Just a week, so you kids will have the house all to yourselves starting tomorrow! "

Great I was going to be stuck in a house with Jaxon by myself for a week.

Jaxon sat up, surprised and looked at his parents.

" Wait so Emmys not staying?" His eyebrow was raised and he looked like someone had scared him.

" No we just told you son " his father said and Jaxon didn't move. He just sat there, eyes wide and mouth slightly opened.

I had made out with that mouth earlier.

Shut up.

Jaxon's abrupt standing up made me jump and looked  in his direction. But by the time I had stood up to follow him he had jogged up the steps and disappeared.

Rosey sighed and looked at her husband. They talked quietly before saying a goodnight to me and walking off with a little Emmy following after. I pushed in the stool and walked up the steps. I pulled my phone out and scrolled through Instagram while walking.

Hey I'm a multi tasker.

I managed to make it to my bedroom without bumping into anything.


I sat my phone on my dresser and headed to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror almost scaring myself in the process.

Oh my lord. I looked like death. My messy bun was about to fall out and my mascara was a little smudge around my eyes. I laughed a little at my appearance and reached for the makeup wipes. I wiped off all the left over makeup and threw the wipe away. I bent down to put the wipes below the sink, I wasn't expecting someone to be beside me when I came up.

My heart began racing and I placed my hand on my heart. Jaxon stood in the doorway with his clothes in his hand.

" Sorry I'll be out in a second" I grabbed my toothbrush and put the paste on it. Jaxon was still quiet. He just stood there, not moving. Like a freaking statue.

I probably brushed my teeth faster than I have ever brushed them in my entire life. It was kind of weird while someone was watching you.

I was about leave but Jaxon's voice pulled me back. I looked at him.

" I'll be in there aft-" I shook my head and he scrunched his eyebrows.

" It's fine. I'll be fine. " I didn't want to continue this conversation. I knew I would do something I would regret.

" Are you sure? I ca-"

" No Jaxon. It's fine." I turned around and walked out my side of he door, slamming it as I went.

I can't deal with him tonight.

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