Chapter 13

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I didn't know how long I had been out but I knew it woas more then a couple of minutes. When I woke up the only person in the room was Nora. She was sitting on the balcony with her phone in one hand a coffee in the other. I tired to sit up but I just groaned in the process. I rubbed my temples , trying to get rid of the pain in my head . Nora looked up and her eyes went wide.

" Oh my god!! Lina!!!" She ran over to me, setting her coffee down on the night stand.

" Are you okay? Do you need anything? I'll go get you some water. OH JAXON. He'll probably be wondering if your awake! I'll be right back" She rambles then ran out the door before I could say anything. I could hear the soft mumur of voices as they came up the steps. Saura was the first one. She ran into the room and hugged me.

" We were so worried! We knew you'd be okay but you were out wayyyyy longer than we thought you would be."

"Yea! You were out for 13 hours Lina!" Oliver commented.

13 hours? That a long time. Why was I out so long? I looked around the room and saw Ollie and Dan leaning against the wall, Wyatt standing beside Nora with his arms around her and Saura sitting on the bed with me. But no Jaxon. I wasn't going to ask, it's not like he cared about me so why even wonder.

" I'm fine." I sighed, pulling the covers off my legs and swinging thm off the bed. " See?" I stood up without any help. My head throbbed a little but I was used to faking a smile.

That's all I ever do these past years.

Everyone just watched me silently, judging wether or not I was really okay. They seemed convinced enough and everyone left the room one by one. Saura lingered after. She probably knew what I was going to ask. Even though I'm not even sure I should be asking it.

" Jax?" She sighed and shook her head.
" He stayed in here all night but he refused to be left alone with you. It was like he wanted to watch you but with some else watching him. He left around 8ish this morning. Hasn't come back since. " she shrugged. Why would he stay then leave abruptly? That boy makes no sense.

" You gonna come down for lunch?"  I nodded and smiled. Why not?

I grabbed my hoodie from off the trunk and slipped it on over my tank. It was pretty big so it made me look like I bad no pants on. I tugged at my shorts before walking down the steps. Everyone had their plates and already started eating breakfast. It was not that hard to notice that Jaxon wasn't being glum as usual.
I smiled and grabbed a plate. I grabbed a pancake and 2 pieces of bacon. Getting a cup of coffee I sat down on the counter bar and began eating.
Everyone was happy. They all smiled and laughed.
Nora with Wyatt. Dan and Ollie seeing who could get the food into their outta first and Saura teasing them.
It was all just peace. And I liked it like this.


The rest of the day was very uneventful for me as was it for the others. We all stayed inside and no one talked about my "incident ". I stayed in my room with the balcony doors open, letting the breeze fill the room. I read for a little while and slept but didn't do much of anything else.

" Where the hell have you been!?" I could here Saura's scolding. I knew who she was talking to. Jaxon. He was probably back all scruffed up and with his attitude intact sadly.
I opened my door so I could hear more. They were arguing. And to the sound of it I could tell Saura wanted to scream and most likely punch him.
" Leave it alone Saura. It's none of your damn business. " his footsteps were heard coming up the steps. I quickly shut the door quietly and went back to the bed. I pulled a book from the nightstand and 'read' it.
The door squeaked open and in walked Jaxon. He hasn't noticed that I was staring yet, which was a good thing though. His hair was a mess but he still made it look good. He had his leather jacket in his arms and a bandage around his right knuckles.
He probably got into a fight.
I cleared my throat and he finally met my eyes. His cold blue eyes widened and he looks slightly relieved.

" Where did you run off to?" I closed the book and set it down.
" Nowhere. Just drove around a bit" I laughed a little at his remark.
" You don't get bloody knuckles from a car Jax. " I took the covers off my legs and stood up. He was closer now. At the edge of the bed, looking down at his knuckles then looking at me. He set his jacket down and sighed.
" No I guess you don't "

Jaxon, to me, was a mystery all in his own. One minute he would be angry or gloomy then the next someone could catch him smiling. He didn't like to talk about things and when you would try to make him he was get pissed off. He had his walls up and for a reason. I just wish I knew what it was. I wasn't going to ask him why he was gone for so long or why he helped me out in the ocean, I was just going to let it be.
For now at least.

I walked over to him and did the boldest thing I could possibly ever do with Jaxon Williams. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom, sat him down on the toilet and turned on the sink. I pulled it a rag a ran it through the water. He just watched me. Not saying a word. Just eyes on me and what I was doing.
I took his hurt hand and dabbed it. His hissing indicated that it hurt and I couldn't help but smile a little. He winced and bounced his leg a little.

" Well maybe if you wouldn't hit a -"

" Tree" My eyes widened a what should I have suspected. I raised an eyebrow at his stupidity.

" Well maybe if you wouldn't have hit a tree it wouldn't hurt so bad. " I finished wiping the blood of his hands and looked up at his face. I hadn't realized how close we were. 

His lips had a small cut on it so I brought the rag up to his mouth and dabbed it. Then quickly backed away from the handsome devil.
" I don't think trees fight back" his lips twitches upward and he gave me a small smile.
" Ok so maybe It wasn't just a tree" I said a hmm and he just chuckled.
I threw the rag in the sink and crossed my arms. He looked up at me, trying to say something then failing.
" Lina we need to talk" he said it quiet but loud enough I could her it.

" After you take a shower. You reek." I held my nose and pretended to swat away something. He laughed again and started taking off his shirt. Not that I minded but still.
"Hey mister! Wait till I'm out at least!" I ran out the door and shut it behind me, leaning against it slightly.

I realized something tonight. I'm trying hard not to like him. But every time I tell myself no or I don't,  I seem to fall even harder.

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