Chapter 17

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Jaxon's POV

What the hell is going on?

One minute we were all siting here fine then the next Lina has run off with some guy no one knows.

I hate to admit it but it pisses me off.

" I didn't know Lina spoke another language!?" Nora was  amazed. Wyatt shrugged and Dan began to speak.

" Who the hell is that dude?" I was wondering the same thing buddy. Lucky for us the diner had glass windows so we could see outside. I couldn't help watch her and this mystery dude. It kind of pisses me off. I didn't like knowing that she was with another guy.

I didn't take my eyes off Lina and Evan, Ivan what ever his name is. Everyone was talking but I told them to shut up and look.

Lina was yelling. He was too.

I don't think I've ever seen her this mad before and damn did she look hot.

Now is not the time.

I sat up a little and leaned in trying to get a better view. Lina looked upset as she threw her face in her hands. Ivan put a hand on her cheek.

" What the hell is he doing?" Saura commented.

" I don't know but I don't like it." Ollie agreed with me, but we all continued to watch.

Lina, thankfully, jerked her face out his hands and backed away saying something. He tried to counter her but she just started yelling again.

" What the hell are they speaking ? I can usually read lips but dudes that is not English." Dan said and slouched in his seat.

" Ok that's enough. We are not snoopy people. Back up from the window. " Nora scolded and surprisingly everyone listened. I slouched in my seat aggravated.

I didn't like the looks of that guy or what he seemed to do to Lina. It gives me a bad vibe. But who am I to be jealous of a girl who isn't even mine?

The door to the diner dinged and Lina finally walked in. It looked as if she had taken on the world on her shoulder. Every emotion crossed her face and I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say something but I just couldn't. So I let everyone else do the talking.

" Ex?" Saura was the first one to talk. Lina only nodded her head. I knew it.
My hands balled into fist and I looked straight at Lina, who suprisingly enough was staring right back at me.

" I used to live here. We came to this diner a lot. The owner knows my parents" She said knows. As if they were still alive. I looked at her but she was no longer looking in my direction.

It feels like their gone but then their still here with me. I had recalled her saying.

" Oh." Was all Saura said. I don't think any one had any words for what had just happened. I didn't even have any words.

" God, you see an old screw buddy and everyone gets all moody." Being an ass was my go to in these situations. No one had any words so I chose some. May not have been good ones but hey they worked.

I couldn't let her know that I cared.

" Wow Jax. Way to be an ass" Saura said and put her arm around Lina who looked a little shocked. But all she did was scoff.

" Just because I had a boyfriend doesn't mean I screwed him Jaxon." She finally looked at me. " I don't screw anything with two legs unlike you"

Great she was pissed at me again. I kind of deserved it though.

I didn't say anything back. I just let her glare at me. Eventually she would stop.

The food finally came and everyone was eating, exempt for Lina. She just moved her food around with a fork. I guess I was the only one who noticed because no one else was asking if she was okay.

She didn't notice me staring and luckily for me our chairs were close to each other. I scooted in a little bit and reached my hand under the table . The second I touched her bare leg and looked up at me. Her eyes were wide and she looked confuse.

What's wrong I mouthed and she just shook her head. I huffed.

Why does she have to be so damn difficult?

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