Chapter 4

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Have you ever had one of those moments where you just wanted to scream and yell at a person to make you feel better?

Yea that's what I want to do right now to Jaxon.

It's Monday morning and waking up early just makes me even more aggravated. After what happened yesterday with Jaxon and his buddies I went straight up stairs , took a shower and then went to bed angry.

So waking up this morning just pissed me off more. Ughh.

I finally decided not to be a lazy person so I turned off my alarm on my phone and got up. I headed toward the bathroom and started to strip.

Since it was my first day of school , why not try a little right? Yea no. After washing I got out and got dressed. It was a warm this morning and it was just supposed to get hotter so I dressed in a Pink Floyd t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I pulled my dull brown hair into a loose ponytail and didn't put any makeup on.

Unless you count lip balm as make up then yea I put makeup on.

I picked up my school bag and walked downstairs. I headed toward the kitchen grabbed a banana and left the kitchen. I was beginning to walk out the door when Rosey called my name. I turned around and  there she stood. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a messy bun and she had no make up on. She was very pretty for a woman in her late 40's.

" Oh hi Rosey. I was just leaving to go to school" She smiled and brought the towel that she had in her hands, down to her side.

" I was going ask if you wanted to go with Jaxon? He usually drives his car"

Oh heck no! I definitely was not going to ride in  car for 20 minutes with that jerk.

" Oh no I don't want to make him do that, I was going to walk anyways."  I tried to convince her.

" No, no I'll go talk to him. " She started to turn around but I stopped her with my voice.

" No its okay. I need the exercise anyways" She looked convinced by the way she turned around and let her famous smile play across her lips.

" Alright Evangelina, if you say so, but just so I feel better put the address in your phone .You already have my number if you need anything." I pulled out my phone and put in the address. I then showed her and she nodded.

" Alright you might want to get started, school starts in about 30 minutes but it probably wont take you that long to get there." I nodded and sent a quick thanks before heading out the door and walking down the side walk path that the GPS told me to.


Rosey was right, it only took 15 minutes to get to the school. I followed the GPS and it even gave me some short cuts.

When I got there, students littered the school yard as they talked and to my dismay some were even making out. Really didn't want to see that on my first day on at school.

I walked closer to the school and walked up the concrete steps. I entered the blue and white halls and followed the signs that lead to the front office. Once I got there I sat down in the seats and waited for my name to be called. There was only one other student so it wouldn't be to much longer.

" Evangelina Rocklin?' An older lady called form behind the wood desk. I stood up and walked over to her.

" That's me." I didn't say much more.

She didn't look at me but kept her face down looking at papers. After a few minutes of sifting through the papers she handed them to me. I smiled and said thank you but she just ignored me. She called the next student, who shoved me out of the way quite rudely might I add.

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