Chapter 35

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Jaxon's Point of View

The hallways felt empty and cold as I walked though the hospital halls.

Goosebumps uttered my skin and my lungs filled with cold air and I felt stiff. The doctor walked a few feet in front of me and my parents walked closely behind. He tried explaining what happened to her in the simplest form but I just ignored him. My eyes looked through every door waiting to see Lina's face.

We started walking slower and I knew she was close. The doctor, Dr. Tate, handed my parents a clipboard and a pen.

" Since you are her legal guardians you have to sign some forms but there shouldn't be too much, there- " My ears tuned him out as we turned the corner.

There she was.

I felt my heart skip a beat and my breath hitched. Her silky long brown hair laid around her head and her eyes were closed. Her lips were slightly parted and her breathing was soft and smooth. Her skin was paler than her normal tan complexion.

I walked into the room and walked closer to her bed. I pulled the chair closer to her bed, it made a small scraping noise as I dragged it. I sat down and leaned my arms on the white sheets she laid in. Her long lashes laid lightly on her cheeks, which weren't her usual pinky color.

I missed her blush.

She had so many wires attached to her I was afraid to touch her. I didn't want to hurt her anymore than already have.

" Jax?" I turned my gaze away from Lina and looked at my mother. Her face had a soft smile and my dad was behind her.

" We are going to give you some time okay? " I nodded and looked back at Lina. I heard my parents foot steps walk off and I sighed.

I pushed my fears off and reached for her hand. It was cold and I immediately wrapped both hands around it. Her finger nails were not painted but I never pegged her for the bright nail polish kind of girl. I smiled and brought her hand to my lips. I kissed her cold knuckled and looked at her.

" Hey Little Miss Sunshine " I didn't put her hand down, I reached forward with one hand and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I liked her hair down. She looked beautiful with it up but down she looks perfect. She looks like an angel.

I sound so f#cking cheesy.

I sighed and ran a hand through my messy hair. I laid my chin on our entwined hands and I closed my eyes then opened them again, making sure she was still there.

" You know, " I smiled softly, even though she couldn't see it. " I heard that when you talk to people it helps them so that's what I'm gonna do. " I moved the chair closer to the bed. " Wanna know a secret? I miss you. A lot. And I need you to wake up and kiss me because I could really go for one of your kisses right now. " I stood up from my chair and leaned over her. I bent down and pressed my warm lips to her cold forehead.


The murmur of voices woke me from a sleep I didn't know I had fallen into. I lifted my head from the bed and looked up. My back hurt and my neck popped. My eyes were a little blurry from being so tired, so it took a minute before my eyes adjusted. The lights were dimmed and I could tell that there were a few people standing in the door. I sat up straighter and stretched a little. O looked at Lina, still in the same position as she has been for the past 2 days. I sighed and stood up.

" We brought you coffee." Nora handed me a small cup of warm coffee. The smell was strong and I gave them a sad smile. Ollie patted me on the back and Wyatt stood close to the wall, Dan wasn't there and neither was Saura.

I took a sip of the coffee and closed my eyes for a second, leaning against the glass doors. The sound of heels clicked on the tiled floors and I looked and saw Saura walking down the hall with Danny, they had a large bag.

" How is she?" I looked back at Ollie, his eyes were on Lina. I looked at her and I could feel my eyes darken a little.

" Doc said she should wake up soon but he doesn't know when." Ollie nodded his head and sighed. I took another sip of my coffee as Saura and Dan got closer. Once they reached the group, Saura smiled and handed me the bag.

" The nurse said that if you pull out the bottom of the chair it'll make a bed. Here's some blankets and a pillow. " I said a quiet thank you to them and grabbed the bag. I put it inside the room beside the chair and then walked back over to my friends.

" We knew you would want to be here when she wakes up." Wyatt looked at his watch and then back at us. He nodded to Nora and she gave a sad smile.

" We have to get going Nora, it's late and I promised your parents you would be home soon." I nodded at them. Wyatt gave me a pat on the back and muttered an ' she'll be okay.' Nora gave me a small hug and they both walked down the hall, hand in hand.

" We should probably go too. My mom is probably freaking. " Saura ran a hand down her face and looked back into Lina's room. She sighed and walked into the room, lightly moving a hair out of Lina's face before kissing her on the forehead. She pulled the blanket closer to Lina's pale face.

" Can you drive me home Ollie?" He nodded his head. I didn't listen to what else they were saying. I couldn't keep my eyes off her still form in the bed. Every moment I'm here I wait for her beautiful brown eyes to open and look at me.

" Jax." It was Dan. Saura and Ollie must have left when I wasn't paying attention. I fixed my attention on Dan. I fiddled with the empty cup in my hands glancing between Dan and Lina very so often.

"Hmm?" I didn't tear my view away from the bed, but I could still see him out of the corner of my eye.

" How long?" I scrunched y eyes in confusion and looked at my friend. What is he talking about?

" How long what?" I tossed the cup in the nearest trash can and crossed my arms.

" How long have you been in love with Evangelina?" My confusion was wiped away and I instantly new what he was talking about. He wanted to know how long I had been in love with her and to be honest I don't know. I chuckled a little and looked down at my feet.

" I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for her. I told myself that I couldn't, not after what she has been through. But then I found myself laying with her at 4am and we were laughing so hard it hurt, and I felt happy for the first time in a long while, and I knew " I looked at her again and smiled a genuine smile.

" I was screwed."

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