Chapter 18

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We had left the diner about an hour ago and all I could think of was the conversation I had with Ivan.

" Where the hell have you been Alex!?" I squeezed my eyes shut"

" Don't call me that!" He looked so confused.

" Why? That's your name! " I shook my head and ran my hands down my face. He was pushing it.

" It's Lina now Ivan." He stepped closer and tried to pull me but I pulled away from him.

" Is this because of what happened? With your parents and Vlad?"  I let out a humorless laugh. I stepped back and through my hands in the air.

" Isn't everything! Their gone Ivan! And I feel like shit! I lost them and I lost you!" I wasn't meaning to make him feel guilty but I guess I did. A flash of sympathy crossed his face. Then guilt.

" You didn't loose mean Alex. " I scoffed. Is he serious!

"Yes I did. My family died and you thought it waited be okay to go and cheat on me by sleeping with my best friend! I think that counts as loosing you. "

" That was before the accident happened!" Is he kidding me! Does he really think that makes it okay!?

" THAT DOESNT MAKE A DIFFERENCE! You still cheated! You left me when I needed you the most. Thank God I don't need you anymore" I hoped it hurt him. I really did.

" Yes you do need me. It's not like you have anyone else! I'm all you have. No one else is gonna like a walking tragedy like you." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

He's a bastard Lina remember that.

" I don't like you anymore Ivan." He laughed a little.

"What? Are you in love with someone else? Yea right"

I gave him a small genuine smile. Not trying to be cruel or lie. Just to show him the truth.

" Yea I think I am."

I walked away from that conversation. Hoping to never see that bastards face ever again.

"Lina?" " I tore my gaze from the window and look at Saura.

" We're about ten minutes from Jax's house. You want us to just drop you off there?" I nodded my head a said a silent thanks. I didn't mean to ignore anyone it was just my thoughts were everywhere except in this car.

Ivan. Jaxon. The kiss. Alexandra. Everything that happened in the past 72 hours.

I unbuckled when we pulled up to the familiar mansion. Jaxon, Wyatt and Oliver had already pulled up and Jax was getting his stuff from the trunk. He pulled out his bags and set them on the ground. He tapped the back of the car, signaling the boys they could go. Their engine roared and the boys took of , leaving our car n the drive way and Jax standing there.

" Thanks for coming with us Lina! We had so much fun!" I smiled at Nora. I nodded my head.

" I did too. I'll see you guys at school!" I aved my to the girls and Dan. I retrieved my stuff from the trunk and carried it inside. Jaxon wasn't thoughtful enough to help or leave the door open for me.

Thanks, Note the sarcasm.

I'm not gonna lie, I struggle getting in the door. I held my phone and head phones under my chin, my pillow and blanket in the one arm and my duffle bag in the other.

Put this down stupid.

Oh yea right. Good job me!

I set down my bag and opned the door. I msiled to myself in victory. I probably looked crazy. I hope obody saw.

I finally managed to get all my crap up the steps and into my room. I really didn't feel like unpacking but I kind of need clothes. I wih I was a baby so I could run around naked and not get judge, ahhh fun times.

" What the hell is going on in that crazy head of yours sunshine?" I twisted my body to see Jaxon. I hated how I find him attractive. He was one- no scratch that - he is the most atrractive boy I've ever met.

He just stood there. Laning against the door frame with his hands in his pockets. His blue eyes watched me but he didn't say another word.

" None of your busniness." I pulled out my clothes from my bag and laid them neatly on my bed.

" Why are you here?" I asked. I was just as curious as the next person but I didn't want him standing there forever.

" I wanna talk." I looked up at him, my eyebrows arched. He wants to talk? Hmm.

" About?" I continued with my bag.

" What hapend at the beach Sunshine." I looked at him and titled my head.

" Nothing happened." He laughed a little and looked at the ground then back at me.

" So nothing happened at that little game of truth or dare?" I couldn't help it. I blushed and I blushed hard. Remember that kiss would definitely make anyone blush. Jaxon could turn a straight man gay. Just saying.

I hadn't realized that he had moved from off the door frame and moved in closer, so when I looked up from my bag he was right in front of me. Really really close.

" N-n-nothing h-happened Ja-axon." I stuttered. I could feel his breath.

"Are you sure about that Evangilina?"

He used my full name. What the hell is going on?

I braved up and stood closer to him. Not backing away.

" Okay something happened. I kissed you. You kissed back. You walked away end of story. It's done now let's forget about it." He chuckled again and I was confused. But what he said next left me baffled.

" I don't want to forget about it Sunshine."

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