Chapter 31

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My blood was cold and my body was frozen. I couldn't tell what direction it came from so I couldn't tell which way to run.

I didn't know where to go.

I looked around and noticed that the library doors were a few doors down and one was slightly opened. I know it was a stupid chance but I knew one thing. If the doors were closed the doors that were closed were locked and the library was the only doors not closed.

It's my only way.

I ran towards the doors trying not to make any noise as I ran. I quickly entered the library and pulled the doors closed behind me, locking them. I turned back around and ran down the small steps leading to the center of the room that was covered with shelves. I tried to calm my breathing as I ran. There had to be a teacher in here there always is. I passed the desk but no one was there.

" Oh God." I heard someone sniffle behind me an dI turned around.

There were only a few, about 15, teenagers cowered in the corner. They were all staring at me, there eyes wide with terror and tears.

My brown eyes widened as I saw Nora and Saura by a table both of them crying. IT was weird to see Saura crying, I had never seen her shed a tear before but here she was staring t me like she had a ghost. I realized in that moment that the sound of the shot had come from in here.

I had ran into the room where the shooter was.

My eyes quickly glanced at the ceiling and I saw the bullet hole left in the tile. I gulped and let my breathing remain clam. I was about to walk towards them but one of the boys furthest from the wall shook his head violently and his eyes looked to something behind me. OR more like someone. I didn't bother to move my eyes, I knew what was happening. I heard the click of the gun and the cold metal muzzle was pressed into my hair. a tear fell down my cheek and I wanted to wipe it away but I didn't move.

I couldn't.

" Move B!tch!" I closed my eyes as he moved the gun from my head and shoved it into my ribs. I winced and began walking much to my distaste. We walked closer the the crowd and and I watched all eyes on me. Or him. Or both.

" Sit down." He shoved me on the floor beside Nora and Saura and they grabbed onto my arms pulling me to them. Saura was still sniffling and Nora stilled at tears streaming down her face, but I didn't have any other tears falling down my face.

We will survive.

I repeated this to my self as I looked at the shooter. His back was turned and his hair ws covered in a black hoody. He wasn't thin, he was on the heavier side.He was pacing back in forth and only took small glances at us. He seemed nervous.

Finally after a few minutes of us holding our breaths he walked up the steps and went to look out the entry doors. I used this chance to turn to the girls.

" Where is Jaxon?"

" Two classes down. I saw him before I came in here."Nora croaked out Felt my heart skip a beat thanking God that he was still okay. I didn't want him to catch us talking, but it was to late. He had noticed and he was stomping back towards us. I still couldn't see his face from the hood.

" Get up." His voice had a familiarity to it but I still couldn't tell where it was from. I watched him and still didn't move. " I said get the h#ll up." This time he grabbed my arm forcefully and yanked me up. Nora let out a cry and I shook my head telling her silently 'Be quiet before he hurts you too'.

She nodded and clutched onto Saura. The shooter walked us to the center of the room and sat me in a chair. I groaned from the force he had thrown me but I would be okay. He walked back to the crowd and looked at them for a second.

What was he doing?

He walked forward and pulled a small young blonde girl who looked to be about 14 maybe 15. A sophomore. She let out a scream and struggled a little. I inhaled a sharp breath has he dragged her in the middle of the room and sat her beside me. I immiedialty reached for her hand and she grasped onto it tightly. She was so scared that her hands began to tremble as did her legs.

" Tie them up." He pulled rope from his pockets and tossed it to a boy in a green shirt. He nodded his head and quickly wrapped us in rope. The boy quickly ran back after he was finished.

" Now Choose." He shouted to the crowd. No one said anything. Everyone was so confused. " CHOOSE" He screamed and then it finally hit me who this was.

It was Harold from my Chemistry class. He sat two seats behind me and he is the smartest kid in the class. He had red hair and glasses that were too big for his head but he loved them. He always cleaned them, it was like a nervous habit.

Oh my God. Why was he-

My thoughts were cut off by him screaming again.

" CHOOSE OR I WILL CHOOSE FOR YOU!" Some students whimpered at his loud voice and the blonde girl began to cry even more.

" Me."  The room was dead silent. Harold turned and looked at me. I could finally see his green eyes. They were confused as to why I would tell someone to shoot me. Why would I tell someone unless I wanted to end my own life. No. I didn't. I did at one point but I don't now, but if I could save the girl beside me and someone else in the room then I will take that chance.

" Shoot me Harry. " He looked at me for a second and then back at the girl. He cocked his head to the side. " No. Look at me. " He didn't look. " LOOK AT ME HAROLD!" this time I raised my voice. Almost everyone in the room flinched, all of them not expecting me to be the one to yell.

" Lina" I could hear Nora's cries as Saura tried to shush her.

" If you are going to shoot me you are going to have to look me in the eyes while you do it Harold." He looked at me. His emerald green eyes met my blue ones.

He could tell. That I was petrified beyond belief. I just didn't let any one else see it, but he could see it. My teeth chattered in my head and I bit down the salty tears. Harold didn't move. He just stared between the two of us, the girl and I. He stared us down like we were the only two people left in the world.

And maybe for a moment we were. To him we were the last people in the world and he wanted to send one of back to dust.

He raised his gun and pointed it at her. I struggled in my ropes and I felt the rope rub against my bare skin.

" Don't do this Harry. Please." My voice cracked. I willed myself not to cry. I swallowed the lump in my throat. " Harry." I begged once more.

He cocked the gun.

Squeezed his eyes shut once.

Then twice.

Then before I knew what was happening he had the gun pointed at me. He looked me in the eyes and squeezed the trigger.

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