Chapter VII | Inferno versus Atlas

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Atlas' POV

     I was curious to see who Inferno had used to beat Misty, but I wasn't expecting his Blaze to have evolved.

     The fact he beat two water-types with a single fire-type was scary. Can I really beat him? I thought. Probably not.

     "C'mon, three against one, let's go!" Inferno shouted. Even though it was an unfair fight, it was his choice. "Let's go, Kakuna!" I called.

     "Okay, Kakuna, we're gonna stall Blaze, alright?" I ask. Kakuna turns towards Blaze and tries nodding, but can't. "Alright, use string shot," I demand.

     Blaze dodged the attack without effort. "Again, string shot!" I shout. "Then use poison sting." Blaze dodges again, but is hit by poison sting.

     It didn't poison him, I thought. "Keep using string shot and poison sting until it lands!" I call.

     Blaze runs left and dodges every attack, until a poison sting lands and he turns purple. "String shot!" I command. Now Blaze was slowed and poisoned. "Nice, now use harden!" I call.

     "Ember!" Inferno shouts. Blaze shot a fireball at Kakuna from his immobilized state and missed. "Keep your distance," I warned Kakuna.

"Dragon rage, now!" Inferno called. Blaze continued firing attacks at Kakuna, but missed. "Keep using poison sting," I told Kakuna.

Eventually, Blaze broke free from the string shot by using scratch. "String shot!" I shout. "Infernal Slash!" Inferno quickly commanded.

Blaze cut through the incoming string shot with his flaming claws and slashed Kakuna, resulting in a one hit knockout.

"Go, Pidgey!" I call. "Blaze, smokescreen Pidgey then trap him on the ground!" Inferno demanded. "Pidgey, dodge and counter with sand attack!" I shout.

Pidgey flew up so Blaze couldn't touch him and shot a ranged sand attack. "Blaze, dragon rage upwards!" Inferno yelled.

Blaze fired the projectile, but missed Pidgey. "Pidgey, use sand attack!" I call. "Now boost its speed using gust!"

Pidgey flung some sand in the air then fired it towards Blaze, dealing damage.

"Set both of your claws on fire and spin in a circle forwards!" Inferno shouted. Blaze lit his dagger-like claws on fire then began to spin like a tornado of flames.

"Now jump up and swing your left arm downwards!" Inferno demanded. Blaze leapt and smacked Pidgey to the ground, landing on him.

"Don't let it escape! Use ember!" Inferno yelled. When the smoke cleared away, Pidgey was unable to battle.

Luckily, Blaze was low on health from poison damage. "Go, Nidoran!" I called. "Nidoran, this is your first battle, so do your best."

"Blaze, hurry up and use ember on Nidoran!" Inferno demanded. Nidoran swiftly dodged the attack and countered with horn attack.

"Use poison sting, now!" I called. Nidoran kept his distance from Blaze and continued his assault. "Infernal Slash!" Inferno bellowed.

Blaze ran towards Nidoran, but fell before him. "Blaze is unable to battle," Eclipse mumbled.

"Impossible! How?!" Inferno complained. "Poison damage, silly!" Luna said playfully. Inferno stormed off to the Pokémon Centre to heal Blaze.

I decided to do the same before heading off to fight Misty.


After my gym battle using only Nidoran and Kakuna, I obtained the Cascade Badge.

Misty's Staryu was defeated by Kakuna who was using poison sting and string shot. Kakuna evolved into a Beedrill afterwards, but was weak.

Starmie easily defeated Beedrill by using confusion and Nidoran survived two confusions, somehow.

In the end, Nidoran gained a ton of experience and I can tell he's near evolution.

Pidgey will probably evolve soon, too. I just don't know when.

Ace also beat Misty using his Oddish. Growlithe also helped by burning Staryu at the start of their fight.

Now only one of us has to win our gym battle and that's Luna. She'd already fought Misty, but lost her first time.

Now she's trained on route 24 and is having her rematch.

Luna's POV

My brother, Eclipse, has been helping me and Abra train so we can beat Misty. I'm really looking forwards to my victory.

     I stood in front of the gym and took a deep breath before entering.

     "You can do it, you're humanity's last hope. No pressure!" Ace mocked. Atlas glared at him.

     "Let's go, Abra!" I call. Eclipse gave me a technical machine, or a TM, to teach my Abra. He said it'd help me win the gym battle.

     "Abra, use energy ball!" I shout. Abra fired a green sphere towards Staryu and did a ton of damage. "Staryu, use swift!" Misty called.

     A wave of stars shot towards Abra at high speed, but Abra teleported out of the way. "Energy ball, again!" I demand.

     The second hit knocked out Staryu. "Go, Starmie," Misty calls. "Energy ball!" I repeat. Abra continues to teleport out of harm's way while assaulting Starmie.

     "Finish it with energy ball!" I yell. Seconds later, I'm holding the Cascade Badge and walking after my brother and my new friends. Today was a good day.

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